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Hey there.

I get this error a lot : "Error Searching libgen: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='libgen.is', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /url (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x14e2e165e810>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused'))"

Here is the setup


EDIT: it appears that at least in my country, libgen.is is not reachable. I tried searching for alternatives/mirrors, but then i directly get a Libgen error in the GUI.



Capture d'écran 2024-06-21 132459.png

Capture d'écran 2024-06-21 132509.png

Edited by tbeaugelin
libgen.is down?
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       Yea, your config looks alright. Might just need to see if you can find a different libgen mirror that works.            Also, not sure if your Readarr is exposed to the internet, but you may want to take the picture down since your API key is in there.      

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Thanks for the reminder about the api key, but my Readarr isn’t exposed.

Weirdly, I can now open libgen.is in my browser tonight, but I still get an error 111 in BB. Is it the fact that I’m asking for books in French? Should I set the language download to any? 

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Posted (edited)

      It looks more like libgen won't let you connect at all for some reason. Can you ping libgen.is from your unraid console? I'm  not near home, and apparently my vpn isn't working or I'd try mine to see if I'm getting the same error. I know libgen has occasional issues.   

Edited by JPDVM2014
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I was able to make this work. For some reason, some of my container don’t work properly without an additional --dns parameter. It seems to now be working correctly.

Thanks for the help!


EDIT: new weird thing. Even tho I can find, by going myself to libgen, the books I look for, some of them return a No Link Found in BB. I tried changing my language from French to any, but it does not work either. Any idea on this?

Edited by tbeaugelin
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That's good to hear you solved one issue. I didn't even think about DNS being an issue.


For the next problem, the only thing I can think of is trying to set your language to English. See if that works, and at least that can narrow it down.


Also, check the logs to see if there is anything in there. I had some problems at first too that were permissions issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finaly got everything to work, but BB still can’t download some files, even tho if I go myself to my defined libgen URL, search said book, I can indeed find the book and download it. Very strange…
Do you think it would be possible to add multiple libgen url to use? To multiply chances of a match and download?

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  • 1 month later...

I am having a bit of trouble with the Trailarr container.

my Sonarr and Radarr paths are set to

which ive set in the Trailarr Container, I can access the share and have read/write permissions into the share, but Trailarr is giving the following errors on permissions.  (see Image below)

Command executiondocker run
  --pids-limit 2048
  -e TZ="Australia/Sydney"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Lenovo-HR630X"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="trailarr"
  -e 'TZ'='Australia/Melbourne'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:7889]/'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nandyalu/trailarr/main/assets/images/trailarr-256.png'
  -p '7889:7889/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/trailarr':'/data':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/Movies/':'/data/media/movies':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/Tvshows/':'/data/media/tv':'rw' 'nandyalu/trailarr:latest'


I have no doubt that I've made a mistake along the way due to my own ineptitude, if you could point it out, that would be props


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Posted (edited)

I was working with the trailarr creator to adjust the template a little. First thing I would do is remove trailarr and start fresh with the updated template.


If you don't want to start fresh, you can adjust the template on your own. You'll have to add a PUID variable and PGID variable. Set PUID to 99, and PGID to 100.


It also looks like you need to adjust your root folders. The right side of this line needs to match whatever shows up in your sonarr and radarr instances.


-v '/mnt/user/Movies/':'/data/media/movies':'rw'


Go into radarr/sonarr, go to settings, and media management. Under root folders, these need to match exactly to the trailarr template. So, mine are "/data/media/movies", but your's may just be "/movies".


In the updated template, I removed the default paths so it is hopefully more clear that both sides need to be adjusted.


Unfortunately, without the PUID and PGID set, it may have messed up your permissions too, so once you get it setup again, in the unraid command line, you may need to do "chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/Movies && chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/Tvshows".


Adjust that command to match the host paths to your movies and TV shows. I just took the paths you had set in the template you posted.


EDIT: The creator also recently updated to allow the PUID and PGID to work correctly, so make sure to update once you adjust the template to make sure you are on the current version.

Edited by JPDVM2014
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I blew the entire installation away and now it wont install. I suspect the template is borked. Ill try rebooting the server and if I cant install it then I give up and will move onto something else. thanks for the help.

*edit* Even after a reboot its still cactus.image.thumb.png.d5f66ab82e4f1be2c8f38196e69fa440.png


Edited by Zeebie
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Posted (edited)

In the trailarr template, you have to hit Edit and change the highlighted part to match your root folders. These two lines should match the lines from your Radarr and Sonarr template.Screenshot_20240810_161131_Mull.thumb.jpg.49c8c3895779f19b62f80149d42d4216.jpg



But, it looks like both of your root folders are "/media" so it might not work right now unless you change those in Radarr and Sonarr or run two instances of trailarr.


See: https://github.com/nandyalu/trailarr/issues/8#issuecomment-2271712622

Edited by JPDVM2014
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the template and your work!

Setting up radicale works very well. However, I am currently struggle to add a plugin (https://github.com/39aldo39/Radicale-DecSync). I followed the the documentation and extended the image, as described here (https://github.com/tomsquest/docker-radicale).


dockerfile extended (dockerfile_decsync.extended):

FROM tomsquest/docker-radicale
RUN /venv/bin/pip install git+https://github.com/39aldo39/Radicale-DecSync


docker build -t radicale -f dockerfile_decsync.extended .
docker run --name radicale -p 5232:5232 radicale


However, when i restart the container I get the following critical error:

[2024-08-23 10:56:45 +0200] [1] [CRITICAL] An exception occurred during server startup: Failed to load storage module 'radicale_storage_decsync': No module named 'radicale_storage_decsync'


Is there an easier way to install plugins to the container or do you have an idea where things are going wrong? Thank you very much for your help!

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This is probably a better question for the maintainer of the image, but my guess is you need to change the image used in the template to your locally extended image.


I have yet to try making/extending images, so I'm not sure how to do that though. I will take a look later today to see if I can make any progress.

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Posted (edited)

You have to go into your radicale template and change the repo from tomsquest/docker-radicale to just radicale. That should use your local image.


However, I still couldn't get it to work. It looks like Radicale 3.2 broke some plugins, so maybe decsync was one of them. Maybe try building from an older radicale 2.* or 3.0 image.


EDIT: It looks like is the first image that is extensible, but decsync still doesn't work. The image is missing a dependency for it.

Edited by JPDVM2014
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Posted (edited)


FROM tomsquest/docker-radicale

RUN apk add gcompat  

RUN /venv/bin/pip install git+https://github.com/39aldo39/Radicale-DecSync




Looks like I got it working!


You have to add one line to your docker file and change the repository on the template to just "radicale" without the quotes.


EDIT: Add code block


Edited by JPDVM2014
Add code block
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On 4/6/2024 at 9:05 PM, JPDVM2014 said:

Just to cover your bases. You shouldn't have to change the internal port variable. That should stay at 8000. And host can stay Or, if you don't want it to be all zeros, you should be able to set it to "readeck" without quotes. (Or whatever you named the container, if you named it something else)

Hi, not the same person but the same problem :P


ERROR: error loading configuration (strconv.ParseBool: parsing "": invalid syntax)


pictures below. any ideas?

I also tried the local ip of my unraid and "readeck" without the quotes as host but that didn't change anything.





readeck log.png

Edited by Icarium
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@Icarium Yea, it should have something in it. Mine is 243B.


Next thing I would try is removing the READECK ALLOWED HOSTS and USE X FORWARDED if you aren't using them. My guess is they are what is causing the empty "" in the config.


EDIT: It might be obvious, but just in case. Once you remove those entries from the template, delete/renamr the config.toml so it can get recreated again.

Edited by JPDVM2014
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