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[Support] JPDVM2014 Templates

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Radicale is a small but powerful FOSS CalDAV (calendars, to-do lists) and CardDAV (contacts) server.


There is a minimal WebUI. The only actions available are creating an address book/calendar, deleting an address book/calendar, or downloading the file associated with an address book/calendar. For the initial data sync, it is best to export the contacts/calendars from your current solution and upload them directly into Radicale via the WebUI.


Application Name: radicale
Application Site: https://radicale.org/v3.html

Github: https://github.com/JPDVM2014/radicale

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/tomsquest/docker-radicale

Image Creator Github: https://github.com/tomsquest/docker-radicale



Retrieve full text articles and create an RSS feed.


Application Name: fivefilters-full-text-rss

Application Site: https://help.fivefilters.org/full-text-rss/

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/heussd/fivefilters-full-text-rss/

Image Creator Github: https://github.com/heussd/fivefilters-full-text-rss-docker




A simple, fast, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics.


Application Name: umami

Application Site: https://umami.is/

Image Creator Github: https://github.com/umami-software/umami/pkgs/container/umami




Kapowarr allows you to build a digital library of comics. You can add volumes, map them to a folder and start managing! Download issues of the volume (or TPB's), rename them and move them.


Application Name: kapowarr

Image Creator Github: https://github.com/Casvt/Kapowarr

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/mrcas/kapowarr




Reiverr is a project that aims to create a single UI for interacting with TMDB, Jellyfin, Radarr and Sonarr, as well as be an alternative to Overseerr.


Application Name: reiverr

Project Github: https://github.com/aleksilassila/reiverr




Edited by JPDVM2014
Added Kapowarr template
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  • 5 months later...

Posting to say thank you! I have been running Radicale server container on my Unraid home server for a month now and it's been fantastic for organizing personal and family activities.

Our family is using "OneCalendar" android app for connecting to it on our phones and personally I also use Thunderbird mail calendar on my PC.

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  • 1 month later...

this template is not working for me.


[2022-12-05 06:23:07 +1100] [1] [CRITICAL] Invalid configuration: Failed to load config file '/config/config': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/config/config'


By default the appdata share is templated as Read Only... after fixing that, Still got the above error...


Any ideas on how to proceed ?


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  • JPDVM2014 changed the title to [Support] JPDVM2014 Templates
  • 3 months later...



- add config/user files to /config directory.

-delete admin user from user file and hash your own.

-access the webGUI, uploaded addressbook file (vcard file).

-after upload, edit addressbook and renamed to 'addressbook1'.

-Up and running no problem.


Thank you.


I'm looking to make 'addressbook1' read-only, send help 


Edited by Tolete
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im thinking something like this might work.


Create a rights file with the following contents: 

user: user1
collection: addressbook1
permissions: RW

user: user2
collection: addressbook1
permissions: R

This will give user1 read and write access to addressbook1, and user2 read-only access to addressbook1.


Edit your Radicale configuration file and make sure it includes the following:

type = htpasswd
htpasswd_filename = /path/to/htpasswd/file
type = authenticated
file = /path/to/rights/file
enabled = addressbook


this would allow user1 to read/write access, while user2 would only have read access to the same addressbook1


Edited by Tolete
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  • 1 month later...

Hi !

Thank you for porting Umami to Unraid. I tested, the installation went well with a postgresql database and I can connect to the address 192.168.xxx.xx:3000.


However, I cannot use a subdomain name, I get a 502 bad gateway error. Yet my NGINX proxy configuration is fine with another application.

I think the problem is due to a missing variable: maybe HOSTNAME? https://umami.is/docs/environment-variables


I miss something. An idea ?

Thx for your help !



umami unraid.png

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11 hours ago, Cockquinou said:

Hi !

Thank you for porting Umami to Unraid. I tested, the installation went well with a postgresql database and I can connect to the address 192.168.xxx.xx:3000.


However, I cannot use a subdomain name, I get a 502 bad gateway error. Yet my NGINX proxy configuration is fine with another application.

I think the problem is due to a missing variable: maybe HOSTNAME? https://umami.is/docs/environment-variables


I miss something. An idea ?

Thx for your help !



umami unraid.png

Are you using NGINX Proxy manager or just regular NGINX?

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, MenacingMight said:

Hey did you have to do anything special to setup Reiverr? I am trying to set it up with Jellyfin. I put in the url and the api but nothing loads in Reiverr. Do I need to do anything else or does it just take time to load (its been more than 4 hours)?

I'm only testing it out with radarr and sonarr, so I haven't tried jellyfin. According to the creator's github, it looks like Jellyfin login is broken right now, but should be fixed soon.

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  • 6 months later...

Hey there, can't seem to add the root folder in Kapowarr in Media Management > Root Folder. I've tried /data/media/comics and every variation of that I could think of... not sure what I am and am not doing here. 

Edit: Added content... that seemed to work. I'm guessing thats it?

Edited by stry8993
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3 hours ago, stry8993 said:

Hey there, can't seem to add the root folder in Kapowarr in Media Management > Root Folder. I've tried /data/media/comics and every variation of that I could think of... not sure what I am and am not doing here. 

Edit: Added content... that seemed to work. I'm guessing thats it?

Yep, /content is the correct root

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I tried installing Reiverr but when I try to open the WebUI, it doesn't respond.
What am I missing here ?


Here is the log :


> [email protected] deploy
> PORT=9494 NODE_ENV=production node build/

query: PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF
query: SELECT * FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = 'table' AND "name" IN ('settings')
query: SELECT * FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = 'index' AND "tbl_name" IN ('settings')
query: PRAGMA table_xinfo("settings")
query: PRAGMA index_list("settings")
query: PRAGMA foreign_key_list("settings")
query: SELECT * FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = 'table' AND "name" = 'typeorm_metadata'
query: COMMIT
query: PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON
Data Source has been initialized!
Listening on

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Posted (edited)

That looks normal to me. Have you tried manually typing in your server ip address and port 9494?


I don't use reiverr anymore, but I installed it and my log is identical to yours, and the webui seems to work ok.

Edited by JPDVM2014
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  • 1 month later...

Hey! Thanks for the Readeck app. When I install, it quits immediately w/ the error `ERROR: error loading configuration (strconv.ParseBool: parsing "": invalid syntax)`

Any idea what might be going on? I had to update the port, but both the `PORT` and `Internal_Port` variables match. I tried with and without the `Allowed_hosts` since I'm just running it locally and the server endpoint is just left as `/` and I set the `Host` to my server ip.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, adambeck7 said:

Hey! Thanks for the Readeck app. When I install, it quits immediately w/ the error `ERROR: error loading configuration (strconv.ParseBool: parsing "": invalid syntax)`

Any idea what might be going on? I had to update the port, but both the `PORT` and `Internal_Port` variables match. I tried with and without the `Allowed_hosts` since I'm just running it locally and the server endpoint is just left as `/` and I set the `Host` to my server ip.

Just to cover your bases. You shouldn't have to change the internal port variable. That should stay at 8000. And host can stay Or, if you don't want it to be all zeros, you should be able to set it to "readeck" without quotes. (Or whatever you named the container, if you named it something else)

Edited by JPDVM2014
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  • 2 months later...


I just downloaded BookBounty, set it up as folder in order to place downloads directly in my Readarr folder, and BB finds all my wanted books from Readarr. When I click on the ‘download’ button from Library Genesis side of the GUI, all the files are added and get a ‘searching…’ status, and that’s it. Nothing moves, I got a grey stripped bar at the top and every files stay in ‘searching…’ state. Am I missing something?

Thanks for any help.

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