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Re: preclear_disk.sh - a new utility to burn-in and pre-clear disks for quick add

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This seems odd to me...


I previously had 2 x WD Green 2TB HDD pre-cleared for 5.0b2, and now I am using the latest script

with -A option to pre-clear them for 4.7b1.  I started both at the same time, expecting to take 2 full

days (48 hours), usually 30-33 hrs individually. During step 2 I get


Disk 2

Disk Temperature: 31C, Elapsed Time:  20:20:41
942476+0 records in
942476+0 records out
1976515428352 bytes (2.0 TB) copied, 36267.5 s, 54.5 MB/s
Wrote  1,976,515,428,352  bytes out of  2,000,398,934,016  bytes (98% Done)


And disk 1 is *slow* with

Disk Temperature: 30C, Elapsed Time:  20:24:23
66187+1 records in
66187+1 records out
138805964800 bytes (139 GB) copied, 34047.7 s, 4.1 MB/s
Wrote  138,805,964,800  bytes out of  2,000,398,934,016  bytes (6% Done) 


As you can see, one is almost done (at 55MB/s) while the other is only 6% (at 4.1 MB/s).

Hopefully this is just system related with priority allocation and not an indication of potential HDD problem.


Or, an effect of the disk controller involved.  Is there anything in the system log showing errors?


Joe L.

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Are you using the 5.0 beta 2 directly or any chance you're running on a full Slackware 13.1 or 13.2 (Current) distro?


I too noticed extreme slowness when preclearing 2 drives at the same time on my Slackware Current distro. There are no system issues, no drive issues, and no controller issues. Separately each drive preclears perfectly fine at the expected speeds. Even benchmarking both drives at the same time with typical 8GB read or write files using dd yields the expected results. The two drives have been through 5 cycles of preclear, 3 separate cycles and 2 cycles simultaneous. From what I remember of the simultaneous preclears I did lately, once a drive moves on to the next phase the preclear of the other drive speeds up to normal.


As best as I can tell, there seems to be something a little off with disk i/o priority interacting with preclear on later Linux kernel or Slackware distro. I didn't have this issue when I first started out my system on a Slackware 13.0 distro. I tried renicing and ionicing but neither separately or combined had any impact. I'm a bit perplexed on it as I know there's nothing at fault with the preclear script.


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1. The following is put in the log only when there is also a SMART difference. Is that by design?


Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ============================================================================

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Disk /dev/sdc has been successfully precleared

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Ran 2 preclear-disk cycles

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Using :Read block size = 8225280 Bytes

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Pre Read Time  : 2:20:22 (47 MB/s)

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Zeroing time  : 2:29:25 (44 MB/s)

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Post Read Time : 7:31:18 (14 MB/s)

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Total Time    : 10:01:50

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Total Elapsed Time 20:53:48

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Disk Start Temperature: 26C

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Current Disk Temperature: 27C,

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ============================================================================


2. Because of the above, the log does not tell me when a preclear failed unless there are also smart differences.


3. In this result why is the the value for "returned" blank instead of a checksum value? Again, this does not showup in the log but only in the telnet session. I just ran 14 preclears and don't know if I missed this message before closing one or more of the sessions. I did see it for sure in two sessions. Same thing in both, returned is blank.



== Disk /dev/sdf has NOT been precleared successfully

== skip=182600 count=200 returned instead of 00000


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1. The following is put in the log only when there is also a SMART difference. Is that by design?


Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ============================================================================

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Disk /dev/sdc has been successfully precleared

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Ran 2 preclear-disk cycles

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Using :Read block size = 8225280 Bytes

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Pre Read Time  : 2:20:22 (47 MB/s)

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Zeroing time   : 2:29:25 (44 MB/s)

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Post Read Time : 7:31:18 (14 MB/s)

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Last Cycle's Total Time     : 10:01:50

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Total Elapsed Time 20:53:48

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Disk Start Temperature: 26C

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: == Current Disk Temperature: 27C,

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ==

Jan 16 17:19:14 MiniClops preclear_disk-diff[24989]: ============================================================================


2. Because of the above, the log does not tell me when a preclear failed unless there are also smart differences.

I've re-written the output report in recent versions, but have not spent much time at looking at the log vs. mail vs. screen output.  I'll take a look to ensure the same information is in all three. (and probably post a newer version based on your feedback report)


3. In this result why is the the value for "returned" blank instead of a checksum value?

Probably because the value returned was blank.  The drive stopped responding.  It was not successfully cleared.
Again, this does not showup in the log but only in the telnet session. I just ran 14 preclears and don't know if I missed this message before closing one or more of the sessions. I did see it for sure in two sessions. Same thing in both, returned is blank.



== Disk /dev/sdf has NOT been precleared successfully

== skip=182600 count=200 returned instead of 00000


You can run

preclear_disk.sh -t /dev/sdX

to see if the preclear was successful.


In the interim, please download and use the newer preclear script.  Your feedback is appreciated.


Joe L.

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Are you using the 5.0 beta 2 directly or any chance you're running on a full Slackware 13.1 or 13.2 (Current) distro?


No, running on 4.7b1.

After 32 hrs, the first disk moved on to Step 10 and is running at 71 MB/s,

but the second disk is still on Step 2 running at 4 MB/s.

Hopefully disk 2 speeds up when the first disk is finished.


For now I'm not too worried about it, I just find it odd.

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I'll get the newest version and check the drives with the command you posted. In the mean time, one more question. When running a multipass preclear and there is an error during the post read, of either pass, that would generate one of these messages:


== skip=182600 count=200 returned instead of 00000


Are the skip count messages only shown for the last pass do you see them for all passes? For example if running two passes and there is a verify error in the first pass but not the second will I know that it happened?


Thanks again for all you work and help.

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I'll get the newest version and check the drives with the command you posted. In the mean time, one more question. When running a multipass preclear and there is an error during the post read, of either pass, that would generate one of these messages:


== skip=182600 count=200 returned instead of 00000


Are the skip count messages only shown for the last pass do you see them for all passes? For example if running two passes and there is a verify error in the first pass but not the second will I know that it happened?

I honestly do not know.  I think they are separate.

Thanks again for all you work and help.

If there is a way to collect the "failures" I will change it to print them all at the end.  But first, I need to get what I've started working on finished.


Joe L.

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Would it be possible to add the preclear_disk.sh script to the unMENU google project so that unMENU's upgrade process can load updated version?  I am NOT suggesting that the script be usable from unMENU's web interface in any way, this is only to make sure I always have the latest copy.  I store the script in my unmenu directory anyway.



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I downloaded .9.9d and noticed the following. Not a problem but thought you might want to know or more likely, it is deliberate for some reason.


It seems to run SMARTCTL twice, a few seconds apart, each time a preclear is started.


Jan 19 13:35:58 MiniClops in.telnetd[29932]: connect from ( (Routine)

Jan 19 13:36:01 MiniClops login[29933]: ROOT LOGIN  on `pts/3' from `' (Logins)

Jan 19 13:36:23 MiniClops kernel:  sdc: unknown partition table (Drive related)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]: smartctl 5.39.1 2010-01-28 r3054 [i486-slackware-linux-gnu] (local build) (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]: Copyright © 2002-10 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]:  (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]: === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]: Model Family:    Western Digital Caviar Green family (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]: Device Model:    WDC WD20EADS-00R6B0 (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]: Serial Number:    WD-WCAVY0322396 (Misc)


Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]: If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay. (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:24 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30155]:  (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:31 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30196]: smartctl 5.39.1 2010-01-28 r3054 [i486-slackware-linux-gnu] (local build) (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:31 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30196]: Copyright © 2002-10 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:31 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30196]:  (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:31 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30196]: === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:31 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30196]: Model Family:    Western Digital Caviar Green family (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:31 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30196]: Device Model:    WDC WD20EADS-00R6B0 (Misc)

Jan 19 13:36:31 MiniClops preclear_disk-start[30196]: Serial Number:    WD-WCAVY0322396 (Misc)


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I precleared a WD20EARS that finished yesterday and all went fine, it was a completely new disk.


Yesterday i started on the next drive which I've used for a couple of weeks in another computer and today i saw these results:



unRAID server Pre-Clear disk /dev/sdc

=                       cycle 1 of 1

= Disk Pre-Clear-Read completed                                 DONE

= Step 1 of 10 - Copying zeros to first 2048k bytes             DONE

= Step 2 of 10 - Copying zeros to remainder of disk to clear it DONE

= Step 3 of 10 - Disk is now cleared from MBR onward.           DONE

= Step 4 of 10 - Clearing MBR bytes for partition 2,3 & 4       DONE

= Step 5 of 10 - Clearing MBR code area                         DONE

= Step 6 of 10 - Setting MBR signature bytes                    DONE

= Step 7 of 10 - Setting partition 1 to precleared state        DONE

= Step 8 of 10 - Notifying kernel we changed the partitioning   DONE

= Step 9 of 10 - Creating the /dev/disk/by* entries             DONE

= Step 10 of 10 - Testing if the clear has been successful.     DONE


Elapsed Time:  12:16:28



== SORRY: Disk /dev/sdc MBR could NOT be precleared


== out4= 00000

== out5= 00000



0+0 records in

0+0 records out

0 bytes (0 B) copied, 9.0053e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s


Attaching a log.


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I precleared a WD20EARS that finished yesterday and all went fine, it was a completely new disk.


Yesterday i started on the next drive which I've used for a couple of weeks in another computer and today i saw these results:



unRAID server Pre-Clear disk /dev/sdc

=                       cycle 1 of 1

= Disk Pre-Clear-Read completed                                 DONE

= Step 1 of 10 - Copying zeros to first 2048k bytes             DONE

= Step 2 of 10 - Copying zeros to remainder of disk to clear it DONE

= Step 3 of 10 - Disk is now cleared from MBR onward.           DONE

= Step 4 of 10 - Clearing MBR bytes for partition 2,3 & 4       DONE

= Step 5 of 10 - Clearing MBR code area                         DONE

= Step 6 of 10 - Setting MBR signature bytes                    DONE

= Step 7 of 10 - Setting partition 1 to precleared state        DONE

= Step 8 of 10 - Notifying kernel we changed the partitioning   DONE

= Step 9 of 10 - Creating the /dev/disk/by* entries             DONE

= Step 10 of 10 - Testing if the clear has been successful.     DONE


Elapsed Time:  12:16:28



== SORRY: Disk /dev/sdc MBR could NOT be precleared


== out4= 00000

== out5= 00000



0+0 records in

0+0 records out

0 bytes (0 B) copied, 9.0053e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s


Attaching a log.

Your disk drive stopped responding to commands.


The clue is this:


0+0 records in

0+0 records out

0 bytes (0 B) copied, 9.0053e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s

It tried to read the MBR and could read nothing (zero bytes were read).


It may not even respond if you try

fdisk -l /dev/sdc


It might respond again if you power cycle it.  That model drive seems to have a tendency to lock up like that if you change its jumper settings.  Did you change them?


If you did change them, did you zero out the first sector before doing the pre-clear?


Joe L.


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I ran preclear w/ the -A option... took about 4 days.   I'm using 4.7 beta w/ MBR 4K aligned option.  Disks sba & sbb were previously formatted in 4.6.1, but re-formatted in 4.7.  I have the feeling I'm not 4K aligned.  Is that true?  What did I miss?  Thanks in advance for any help!

What do you get with

fdisk -l -u /dev/sdX

The "-u" option will let you see the starting sector number.  If sector 64, you are 4k aligned.


What version of the preclear script are you using?


preclear_disk.sh -v

to see the version number.   Newest version as of this post is .9.9d


Joe L

Joe, thank you!  They are on sector 64.  Version was .9.9a... I've updated to the latest.  thanks again!

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I precleared a WD20EARS that finished yesterday and all went fine, it was a completely new disk.


Yesterday i started on the next drive which I've used for a couple of weeks in another computer and today i saw these results:



unRAID server Pre-Clear disk /dev/sdc

=                       cycle 1 of 1

= Disk Pre-Clear-Read completed                                 DONE

= Step 1 of 10 - Copying zeros to first 2048k bytes             DONE

= Step 2 of 10 - Copying zeros to remainder of disk to clear it DONE

= Step 3 of 10 - Disk is now cleared from MBR onward.           DONE

= Step 4 of 10 - Clearing MBR bytes for partition 2,3 & 4       DONE

= Step 5 of 10 - Clearing MBR code area                         DONE

= Step 6 of 10 - Setting MBR signature bytes                    DONE

= Step 7 of 10 - Setting partition 1 to precleared state        DONE

= Step 8 of 10 - Notifying kernel we changed the partitioning   DONE

= Step 9 of 10 - Creating the /dev/disk/by* entries             DONE

= Step 10 of 10 - Testing if the clear has been successful.     DONE


Elapsed Time:  12:16:28



== SORRY: Disk /dev/sdc MBR could NOT be precleared


== out4= 00000

== out5= 00000



0+0 records in

0+0 records out

0 bytes (0 B) copied, 9.0053e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s


Attaching a log.

Your disk drive stopped responding to commands.


The clue is this:


0+0 records in

0+0 records out

0 bytes (0 B) copied, 9.0053e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s

It tried to read the MBR and could read nothing (zero bytes were read).


It may not even respond if you try

fdisk -l /dev/sdc


It might respond again if you power cycle it.  That model drive seems to have a tendency to lock up like that if you change its jumper settings.   Did you change them?


If you did change them, did you zero out the first sector before doing the pre-clear?


Joe L.



It's been used before in a win7 computer so I've never jumpered it.


I did a quick check and the disk was not connected to unRAID. It turns out it was my girlfriend who had pushed the chair all the way under the desk and accidently the sata cable had been partly unplugged.


Anyways, upgraded to Pro now since my flash arrived yesterday, and plugged in my new SUPERMICRO AOC-SASLP-MV8 that also arrived yesterday and everything seems to be running smoothly.


Thanks for the help Joe!

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Well then.... I guess it was telling the truth.  Can't write to it if it is not attached to the computer.


I've posted a newer version of the preclear_disk.sh script a few nights ago.  It is version .9.9d

If you have an older version you'll want to grab it and give it a try.


You can see the version by typing:

preclear_disk.sh -v


Joe L.



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No, running on 4.7b1.

After 32 hrs, the first disk moved on to Step 10 and is running at 71 MB/s,

but the second disk is still on Step 2 running at 4 MB/s.

Hopefully disk 2 speeds up when the first disk is finished.


Well, the first disk finished ok, but the 2nd disk continued to run at 4 MB/s in Step 2.

Even though it's a writing to disk stage, I decided to kill it at 15%.

I am now running 2nd disk alone -- hopefully no slow access this time.


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I precleared a WD20EARS that finished yesterday and all went fine, it was a completely new disk.


Yesterday i started on the next drive which I've used for a couple of weeks in another computer and today i saw these results:



unRAID server Pre-Clear disk /dev/sdc

=                       cycle 1 of 1

= Disk Pre-Clear-Read completed                                 DONE

= Step 1 of 10 - Copying zeros to first 2048k bytes             DONE

= Step 2 of 10 - Copying zeros to remainder of disk to clear it DONE

= Step 3 of 10 - Disk is now cleared from MBR onward.           DONE

= Step 4 of 10 - Clearing MBR bytes for partition 2,3 & 4       DONE

= Step 5 of 10 - Clearing MBR code area                         DONE

= Step 6 of 10 - Setting MBR signature bytes                    DONE

= Step 7 of 10 - Setting partition 1 to precleared state        DONE

= Step 8 of 10 - Notifying kernel we changed the partitioning   DONE

= Step 9 of 10 - Creating the /dev/disk/by* entries             DONE

= Step 10 of 10 - Testing if the clear has been successful.     DONE


Elapsed Time:  12:16:28



== SORRY: Disk /dev/sdc MBR could NOT be precleared


== out4= 00000

== out5= 00000



0+0 records in

0+0 records out

0 bytes (0 B) copied, 9.0053e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s


Attaching a log.

Your disk drive stopped responding to commands.


The clue is this:


0+0 records in

0+0 records out

0 bytes (0 B) copied, 9.0053e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s

It tried to read the MBR and could read nothing (zero bytes were read).


It may not even respond if you try

fdisk -l /dev/sdc


It might respond again if you power cycle it.  That model drive seems to have a tendency to lock up like that if you change its jumper settings.   Did you change them?


If you did change them, did you zero out the first sector before doing the pre-clear?


Joe L.



It's been used before in a win7 computer so I've never jumpered it.


I did a quick check and the disk was not connected to unRAID. It turns out it was my girlfriend who had pushed the chair all the way under the desk and accidently the sata cable had been partly unplugged.


Anyways, upgraded to Pro now since my flash arrived yesterday, and plugged in my new SUPERMICRO AOC-SASLP-MV8 that also arrived yesterday and everything seems to be running smoothly.


Thanks for the help Joe!


Wondering what controller the drive was attached to?  A motherboard port, a SASLP?

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I am trying to preclear 2 jumpered 2tb EARS drives I received today, but I noticed in the confirmation screen its only reporting 1TB. Is that normal, or is there something strange going on? Screenshot below.



Kind of concerned!  :-[

Is that a drive that was advertised as "50% off"  ;)  Seriously, it is not normal.


Are both the new EARS drives reporting the 1TB size?  or just one of them?


Joe L.

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Both. Both are sitting on a SATA card, maybe the card needs an update. Is there a command so I can cancel the preclear and get to the bottom of this? They're both in the post read process of the first cycle. or can I just close the telnet sessions and shut down?


EDIT: I quit the telnet session and it reports under the cache drive as 1tb in unraid too. Yeeesh. I'll try booting it from the motherboard and see what happens vs the card.


EDIT2: Looks like the motherboard reports the same thing. Not where to go from now! :(

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max sectors  = 1953569134/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)




max sectors  = 1953569134/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


I tried pulling the jumper just for grins to see if anything showed up differently, same deal though.


I shut down and put in my 3rd (I bought 3) which showed up as SDC as well since I cant run all 3 at once.


here is disk 3.



max sectors  = 1953569134/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


they were all manufactured on the same date, and purchased from the same retailer, but I think thats kind of odd for them to all have the same issue dont you think?


For grins, here is an HDPARM for one of my data drives, a WD 1tb BLACK model.




max sectors  = 1953525168/7368112(1953525168?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


Yeah so I am at a loss. :(

New server time? haha.



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max sectors   = 1953569134/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)




max sectors   = 1953569134/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


I tried pulling the jumper just for grins to see if anything showed up differently, same deal though.


I shut down and put in my 3rd (I bought 3) which showed up as SDC as well since I cant run all 3 at once.


here is disk 3.



max sectors   = 1953569134/14715056(18446744073321613488?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


they were all manufactured on the same date, and purchased from the same retailer, but I think thats kind of odd for them to all have the same issue dont you think?


For grins, here is an HDPARM for one of my data drives, a WD 1tb BLACK model.




max sectors   = 1953525168/7368112(1953525168?), HPA setting seems invalid (buggy kernel device driver?)


Yeah so I am at a loss. :(

New server time? haha.



If they are all the same batch, from the same source, then they might all be 1TB drives that were mis-labeled. 

(or Counterfeit 2TB drives?)


Everything points to them being 1TB drives.  You can try one of the low-level utility programs that lets you remove an HPA, but I doubt that is your issue.


Joe L.



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