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unraid USB drive corrupted

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my unraid usb drive was failing so i decided to replace it with a new one.

unfortunately, i forgot to read up beforehand on what i need to do prior to replacing USB drive.

i forgot to create any backups or take a screenshot of my array setup. i was thinking maybe i can boot up my old USB drive so i maybe i can at least grab a screenshot but it wouldn't let me access the GUI, even in safe mode.

Now i got a new unraid USB drive with no config, no activate code (i think i might have lost it).

I was thinking i might risk it and just try to start array and order the disk by memory.

just thinking ahead, i was wondering what would happen if i set the wrong disk as the parity disk?

i also notice that next to the parity disk, it says "all existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started". does this mean that if i choose the wrong disk, it would wipe the hold whole disk?

Edited by gantoz
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5 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

What shows on the old drive if you read it in another computer?

I am able open the old drive on my pc. i can see all the files. I try to boot using the drive on my unraid server, and i can't access the GUI.

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6 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Copy the config folder from the old drive to the new one.

i can't copy the config folder. it says "can't read from source file or disk". i've also tried compressing the folder into a zip then moving the content to the new USB drive, but gave me the same message.

Weirdly, i can open the files in a notepad/vs code.


Edited by gantoz
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1 hour ago, trurl said:

Without config folder you are starting from scratch with your configuration. If you aren't certain about parity don't assign parity as explained in the linked wiki 

based on the linked wiki, i think i figured out which one my parity disk is.

However, i'm just a bit concern about the message i get next to the parity disk: "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started". does this mean that it will rebuild the parity based on what i have from my storage disk?


EDIT: i was able to spin up my unraid drives. server is running parity sync now. i guess i'll have to reinstall all my docker apps (which should be a problem).

On a related note, regarding my unraid license key, if i want to retrieve it from my old USB drive, is the file just called "plus.key" and i can just move it to my new USB drive? if not, i think i might have lost my key. does this mean i'll have to reach out to unraid official support for help?

Edited by gantoz
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1 hour ago, gantoz said:

"plus.key" and i can just move it to my new USB drive?

That is the key for your old flash. If you put it on your new flash it should let you get a replacement key for the replacement flash from the Tools - Registration page in the webUI.

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