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[Solved] - Mover is trying to move missing "file or directory".

Go to solution Solved by ThorThe1,

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Hello everyone,

If someone can help me out, I would be so thankful!


Below is a screen shot of the mover trying to move files/folder from a location that it says does not exist.

I've deactivated docker and VMs.


system log






Disk 10







Edited by ThorThe1
Issue has been resolved
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Do you have docker set to use a docker.img file or a folder?   The diagnostics suggest you have it configured to use docker.img but the files that mover is complaining about look like what you get when you select a folder.   Did you have that configured in the past?   It might be best to disable the docker service; delete all the docker related files in the ‘system’ share; and then re-enable docker.    You can then use Apps->Previous Apps to get the binaries for all your docker containers reinstalled with their settings intact and the files will be placed according to the Use Cache settings for the system share.

Most the other shares look to have their files where you would expect according to their share settings.    

appdata                           shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on cache-main
A---y                             shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3
domains                           shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on v------s, v-----s
G----------s                      shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk4, disk6, disk7, disk9, disk10
g-------e                         shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk9
isos                              shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on cache-main, v-----s
M------------e                    shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, disk5, disk6, disk7, disk8, disk9, disk10, disk11
n-------d                         shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk4, disk6, disk9
S---------y                       shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk4, disk6, disk7, disk9, disk10, disk11
system                            shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on cache-main, disk10
T----------e                      shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk7, disk9
T----------e (1)                  shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk6, disk7, disk9
T-------------r                   shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, disk6, disk7, disk8, disk9, disk10, disk11

you seem to have 2 pools related (I think running VMs since they are ‘vm_ssd’ and ‘vm3_ssd’ with the domains share existing on both of them.   Is this intentional?   Since mover never moves files between pools you would have to do this manually if the files are not where you want them.

The other one that looks a little odd is the ‘isos’ share which is configured to use the ‘cache-main’ pool but seems to also have files on a ssd pool.   Again you would have to move files manually to tidy this up.   In fact since isos are often only required when initially setting up a VM you may decide to hold them instead on the array to free up pool space.

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  • Solution
On 6/17/2022 at 5:52 AM, itimpi said:

Do you have docker set to use a docker.img file or a folder?   The diagnostics suggest you have it configured to use docker.img but the files that mover is complaining about look like what you get when you select a folder.   Did you have that configured in the past?   It might be best to disable the docker service; delete all the docker related files in the ‘system’ share; and then re-enable docker.    You can then use Apps->Previous Apps to get the binaries for all your docker containers reinstalled with their settings intact and the files will be placed according to the Use Cache settings for the system share.

Most the other shares look to have their files where you would expect according to their share settings.    

appdata                           shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on cache-main
A---y                             shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3
domains                           shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on v------s, v-----s
G----------s                      shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk4, disk6, disk7, disk9, disk10
g-------e                         shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk9
isos                              shareUseCache="prefer"  Exists on cache-main, v-----s
M------------e                    shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, disk5, disk6, disk7, disk8, disk9, disk10, disk11
n-------d                         shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk4, disk6, disk9
S---------y                       shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk4, disk6, disk7, disk9, disk10, disk11
system                            shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on cache-main, disk10
T----------e                      shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk7, disk9
T----------e (1)                  shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk3, disk6, disk7, disk9
T-------------r                   shareUseCache="yes"     Exists on disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, disk6, disk7, disk8, disk9, disk10, disk11

you seem to have 2 pools related (I think running VMs since they are ‘vm_ssd’ and ‘vm3_ssd’ with the domains share existing on both of them.   Is this intentional?   Since mover never moves files between pools you would have to do this manually if the files are not where you want them.

The other one that looks a little odd is the ‘isos’ share which is configured to use the ‘cache-main’ pool but seems to also have files on a ssd pool.   Again you would have to move files manually to tidy this up.   In fact since isos are often only required when initially setting up a VM you may decide to hold them instead on the array to free up pool space.


  • I had no idea what I had for the docker container (folder or img file). I ended up deleting the docker img through the docker menu settings but that did not remove the files off of disk 10 which the mover tried to move, but also said it didn't exist. 


  • The 2 pools that I had for VMs I was misusing. I was not understanding the difference between the pools/cache to hold the VM vs using unassigned devices to store the OS/VM on the drives directly. *** That's why the domains and isos folder was also configured wrong.


*What I did to correct everything was:

  1. Delete all the files from Disk 10 that the mover was trying to move. I read some user forums and found out how to delete files without using an application/docker program.
    1. In terminal: 
      rm -rf /path/to/dir
      1.  Example:
        rm -rf /mnt/user/system/libvirt
  2. Moved all the files that the mover would not move from the domain and isos shares. I read that you should only move/copy files and folders from user share to user share OR disk to disk. 
    1. In terminal: 
      mv /path/to/dir /path/to/dir 
      1.  Example: 
        mv /mnt/cache-main/domain /mnt/disk12/


After all that I was able to clean up how the cache drive acted, and I moved my VMs to run on the storage device directly (through unassigned devices).

Thank you all for the help!!




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  • ThorThe1 changed the title to [Solved] - Mover is trying to move missing "file or directory".

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