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Unable to format new drive

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I'm on unraid 6.9.2 with an array of 5 drives. I've bought 2 new drives that I pre-clear and now I added to my array (extending to 7 drives). But it keep saying Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout. When I check Format, it says formatting and goes back to the same unmountable state. What am I doing wrong? Partition type was at auto, I tried with xfs selected and didn't change.


Thank you

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from what I seems to gather from the syslog, it clear the disk, format, create partition then failed to mount it.



Jun 22 17:00:58 ServRaid emhttpd: writing GPT on disk (sdh), with partition 1 byte offset 32KiB, erased: 0
Jun 22 17:00:58 ServRaid emhttpd: shcmd (100082): sgdisk -Z /dev/sdh
Jun 22 17:05:32 ServRaid root: GPT data structures destroyed! You may now partition the disk using fdisk or
Jun 22 17:05:32 ServRaid root: other utilities.
Jun 22 17:05:32 ServRaid emhttpd: shcmd (100084): sgdisk -o -a 8 -n 1:32K:0 /dev/sdh
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid root: Creating new GPT entries in memory.
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid root: The operation has completed successfully.
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid emhttpd: shcmd (100085): udevadm settle
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid emhttpd: shcmd (100086): mkdir -p /mnt/disk6
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid emhttpd: /mnt/disk6 mount error: Unsupported partition layout
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid emhttpd: shcmd (100087): umount /mnt/disk6
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid root: umount: /mnt/disk6: not mounted.
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid emhttpd: shcmd (100087): exit status: 32
Jun 22 17:14:25 ServRaid emhttpd: shcmd (100088): rmdir /mnt/disk6


Edited by Nodiaque
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Unrelated but your CPU is throttling due to overheating:


Jun 22 15:59:52 ServRaid kernel: mce: CPU26: Core temperature is above threshold, cpu clock is throttled (total events = 78)
Jun 22 16:00:00 ServRaid kernel: mce: CPU12: Core temperature is above threshold, cpu clock is throttled (total events = 78)


Check/clean cooler.

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Yeah, I have a graph with the temp of all cores. CPU is sitting idle running right now between 40 and 50C. Everytime I start to have CPU throttling, it never stop until I restart unraid. Don't know why, and it happen when I run FileFlows using all CPU/Core. I don't monitor CPU hz, I should check that. I'm not even sure my CPU support throttling




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