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Help Fixing Container Icons that Always Revert to Question Marks

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Hi, can anyone help me fix the icons on a couple of my docker containers? They are always reverting to a question mark no matter what I seem to do.


After looking for solutions in the forums and google etc. I have tried:


  • Changing the icon URL in the container template to a URL that contains the icon I want. This will work for a bit, and then revert back to a question mark after a couple of hours.
  • Deleting the images from /var/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/images, adding the URL back to the container template, and force updating.
  • Deleting the images from /var/lib/docker/unraid/images and copying the correct image into that folder, then deleting the old image from /var/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/images. After refreshing my browser the image appeared, but then after force updating the container it went back to a question mark.
  • Deleting the images from /boot/config/plugins/dockerman/images. (There is no image in here for one of the containers).
  • Restarting Unraid after trying the above steps.
  • Clearing cache in browser and also viewing the docker page from a different browser.
  • Using images at different URLs.


If it matters, the problem containers are snipe/snipe-it and atribe/apcupsd-influxdb-exporter. The icons I am trying to use are snipe-it and apcupsd-influxdb-exporter.


I have been having this problem for nearly a year and every time I look at my dockers I see the question marks begging to be fixed, but every time I sit down determined to fix it I come away with nothing. I'm at a loss - does anyone have any ideas on what to try?

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AFAIK templates will always regularly be pulled from the source repos overwriting your changes, so unless the maintainer adds a proper icon you'll have to deal with the question marks. 


You could probably save the template, edit it to have a different default name, make the changes you want, add it as a private app, uninstall the original, install yours instead...

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All you have to do is give it a valid URL to the image.  If the system didn't pick it up, then change the URL to something else, apply, then rechange it back to the valid URL and apply


Everything else you're trying is immaterial (by the images are only stored within /var/lib/docker/unraid/images for persistent storage and /usr/local/emhttp/state/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/images for actually serving them up from RAM)


You would want to be on 6.10+ as various bugs exist in previous versions for changing the icons.


If after changing the URL you're still getting a question mark, then your server is unable to download the icon.

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I was on 6.9.2 so I just upgraded to 6.10.3 and tried adding the URLs again. The icons updated and then survived a force update and a server restart so it looks like that fixed it. Thanks for the help, I can't believe it was that easy in the end! I should have upgraded sooner.

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