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Updated to 6.10.3 when signing into unraid it's saying flashdrive corrupt or offline

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Had server running for couple years, 7 months powered on last stretch before updating to 6.10.3 been running about a week, just signed in to add access to a share and it's saying flashdrive corrupt or offline? 

1. Is it possible to just pop in a new flashdrive and import settings to it, if not why? I know it boots from the drive and then it isn't supposed to use it, though some personalized settings in unraid are now gone with the drive like skin colors and vm's not showing. I was under the impression that the drive was loaded into memory on start up and then not accessed? 

2. I am still able to sign into the server as I have not taken it offline yet and can get disk assignments, however it is not showing vm's, are they hosed?

3. Although I am able to sign into server, after I noticed the banner about flashdrive all my nas drives are not accessable from computers anymore. 

4. If/when this is sorted out and I get another flash drive in there is it possible to setup a dual usb drive boot for redundancy, I can't seem to find info to set this option up and find it odd that for a system that is all about redundancy it does not have that option. 


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Well I was able to find a backup, idk when it is from exactly. 

I have made a few changes that I'm not sure are part of this backup. 

I added a second parity drive, not sure if it is part of the backup or does that matter?

I know there are two additional drives I put in the array since this backup, will the licence be part of this file and I just put it on a new drive?

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32 minutes ago, FrostyOne said:

backup of the flash drive on an external drive I have for redundancy of some data but not sure when it's from

Should be timestamps on the files. config/super.dat in particular would be a good one to look at since it gets written every time the array is stopped or started.

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Well I put the most recent backup config file on usb drive and booted into unraid, not sure when it 's from. but it's showing everything correct in array except for the two recent drives I added to it. I put them in as disk 4 and 5 and started array, the two drives showed as new and began to clear so I stopped it, I ran parity check but unchecked to write corrections, it immediatly started to pick up errors. I have two drives in parity and three as data drives, I added two ssd disk 4 and 5 and moved a share onto just them. How does the parity work with having put a backup config on unraid disk, If I add back 4,5 and they clear will they rebuild with the data that was on them from the parity drives or do I have to start off from scratch on usb wtihout a backup config and then add drives to array in order they were before?


Screenshot 2022-08-02 232833.jpg

Edited by FrostyOne
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Really wish you had waited on further advice before starting the array on an old backup that didn't have all your disk assignments.


The only time Unraid requires a clear disk is when adding it to a new slot in an array that already has valid parity. This is so parity will remain valid since a clear disk is all zeros and so has no effect on parity. If the disk added to the new slot hasn't been precleared, Unraid will clear it before letting you format it.


When you started the array with that old backup, it assumed parity was valid with the drives as assigned at the time the backup was taken.


Then when you added additional disks to the array it started clearing them so parity would remain valid.


Probably there is no hope of recovering any data from those disks. How long did you let them clear?

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20 minutes ago, trurl said:

Really wish you had waited on further advice before starting the array on an old backup that didn't have all your disk assignments.


The only time Unraid requires a clear disk is when adding it to a new slot in an array that already has valid parity. This is so parity will remain valid since a clear disk is all zeros and so has no effect on parity. If the disk added to the new slot hasn't been precleared, Unraid will clear it before letting you format it.


When you started the array with that old backup, it assumed parity was valid with the drives as assigned at the time the backup was taken.


Then when you added additional disks to the array it started clearing them so parity would remain valid.


Probably there is no hope of recovering any data from those disks. How long did you let them clear?

I stopped them clearing right away after I noticed it. 

So what should I do, reset the usb drive with unraid and do not put a config backup on it? Then set up a new array with the drives in the same order as before and this will restore the array as it was before the usb failed. This usb failure seems like such a problem that there really needs to be somethign added to unraid to prevent this. just assuming people are making manual backups is not enough. Why when the array was running fine and just a usb drive failes it causes such a headache? We should be able to rebuild and replace the usb without taking the array or server down. 


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9 minutes ago, trurl said:

My Servers plugin keeps a backup of flash on Unraid cloud 

From my understanding that unraid cloud is not securely encrypted, so not sure why it is set up that way. Unraid needs redundancy with usb drive, they also need the option to rebuild if it gets hosed, why when the usb drive goes bad it kills the system?

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