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[Support] kilrah/nextcloud-ffmpeg with pdlib

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Having a problem with Nextcloud - everything has been working without a problem for many months now.  Today I noticed that when I tried to log into my server I get the following error. 


Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log.


When I bring up the logs I see this in the logs


Warning: /var/www/html/config/autoconfig.php differs from the latest version of this image at /usr/src/nextcloud/config/autoconfig.php
Warning: /var/www/html/config/redis.config.php differs from the latest version of this image at /usr/src/nextcloud/config/redis.config.php
Warning: /var/www/html/config/s3.config.php differs from the latest version of this image at /usr/src/nextcloud/config/s3.config.php
Warning: /var/www/html/config/smtp.config.php differs from the latest version of this image at /usr/src/nextcloud/config/smtp.config.php
Warning: /var/www/html/config/upgrade-disable-web.config.php differs from the latest version of this image at /usr/src/nextcloud/config/upgrade-disable-web.config.php



Not sure what to do - any suggestions?

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Found it - not to figure out what its trying to find 


IND","url":"/remote.php/dav/files/bluepoet/","message":"fopen(/var/www/html/config/config.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory a
t /var/www/html/lib/private/Config.php#221","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.29.1","version":"","data":{"app":"PHP"}}

Looks like there is a file or something missing. 


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Posted (edited)

I dont see a backup that I can find - i found a directory in the appdata folder but that didn't seem to fix anything - the error went away but the page still wont load - is there a way to restart from fresh without losing any of the storage files?


Also going forward if I can restart this - what is a good way to back this stuff up.  Still get use to whole unraid thing. 




Edited by bluepoet
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You could grab the sample config and repopulate, but you'll need the instance id (can be found in the data folder, it's the string after the "appdata_instanceid") and the secret, not sure if that can be found in the db...

To start fresh you could wipe the database and the appdata folder contents ecxept the data folder within it where your actual files are, but you have to find that and make sure you've got it right...


For backups, appdata backup plugin. 

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One more thing for you - I got the files moved into the database, they appeared and everything seemed to be working.  Then this morning when I tried to log into Nextcloud I get a permissions error.  



Your data directory is invalid.

Ensure there is a file called ".ocdata" in the root of the data directory.

Your data directory is not writable.

Permissions can usually be fixed by giving the web server write access to the root directory. See https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/29/go.php?to=admin-dir_permissions.


How would I fix this - I tried to go to the URL it gives but it brings up nothing. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Kilrah! 


I have downloaded your repo (plugin) for Nextcloud with FFmpeg and i am loving it! Finally got it all configed. I have researched and researched on how i can get it to display the video thumbnails, and i just can't get it. it's driving me nuts! PLEASE help me out! I have my cron jobs up and running every 15 min. 


Please let me know any other details you might need. i have edited my config PHP to add the enable preview, I've downloaded the preview generator app, etc.. 

Also, how are you getting to this area attached? 

Screenshot 2024-07-23 211317.jpg

Edited by F0R3STLANE
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i have found the memories settings. Looks like i am getting only a couple of errors. Please let me know if these would cause me to not have thumbnails or how i can resolve them. 

- `Database triggers not set up; trigger compatibility mode in use.
See the documentation for information on how to resolve this. External Link`


Sorry for being a pest, i have worked alonggggg time on this and i think, even my wife, is ready for me to be done :) 


Thanks Kilrah!

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Posted (edited)

nano used to be there, seems NC has removed it. I'll put it back in next update, but... you should normally not need to edit files in the container.


You can always add it yourself with apt update, apt install nano, just it'll be gone if the container is recreated.

Edited by Kilrah
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14 hours ago, Kilrah said:

nano used to be there, seems NC has removed it. I'll put it back in next update, but... you should normally not need to edit files in the container.


You can always add it yourself with apt update, apt install nano, just it'll be gone if the container is recreated.

Ok thanks, I'm just curious cause the Linuxserver repository has nano included, your build is the best.

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First of all, thanks a LOT for the work you invested in keeping this project alive! I tried several nextcloud dockers in unraid so far, the implementation of FFMPEG just makes me wonder, why this isn't implemented by the official devs, because i won't run any instance of nextcloud without it anymore!


I have several questions regarding your image:

  • As you mentioned in your initial posting, the PHP setting for the memory_limit should be increased using the template's extra parameters. As i did not find any

    which would override the original php.ini as it is done in other distros, i tried to increase the php_post_max_size and php_upload_max_filesize as well using the extra parameters via


    as well. This ended up in an error message during the restart of the container and now it's not on the DOCKER container list in unraid anymore. Is there a chance to restart it via console? Can i remove the seemingly faulty extra parameters before i restart it?

  • After spending literally hours of trying, i did not get the crontab companion to work in any way. Since the nextcloud-ffmpeg container is gone now, i can't go on trying further, but it is a real pain regarding all of the contradictory info snippets in this thread. There are few variables to be filled in the parameters setup of the container, but even for the nextcloud_user your initial posting gave the instruction to use user 'abc', the template itself names the user '99' and when you helped somebody using the nextcloud-ffmpeg distro, you talked about user '33'.

    Could you perhaps put in all the variables known to be working into that companion as a default in the future? The non-working state of the companion provokes an endless guess game on what might be the reason for the trouble...and even after hours i don't even know what the correct user is. Since this topic is about the nextcloud-ffmpeg container, it should default it's settings to that specific container for everybody to be able to override these basic settings with custom variables - not the other way around, since all other nextcloud distros i tried out had the cron jobs running out of the box, i never had to enter or edit anything, it was working from the start.

  • Since i don't know crontab, the initial posting contains instructions that are hard for me to understand. Where do i have to put an .sh file and is it a lsio-specific path you wrote about leading to the cron.php? Does the nextcloud-ffmpeg path differ? Does it really consist of only that one line

    php -f /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php

    without anything else in it, no beginning brackets, nothing at the end? Is this file needed for the first cronjob to start generally or is this also an lsio-specific thing? Where do the minutes in the container's parameter lead to...is there a cronjob already running using that frequency, but why isn't nextcloud recognizing it? I'm sorry about all that questions, but i never got in touch with cron by now and all i want to do is get nextcloud-ffmpeg to work, since it is an awesome package besides that cron issue, that really drove me nuts by now.

Thank you for any hint and have a beautiful weekend!





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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Gekko said:

This ended up in an error message during the restart of the container and now it's not on the DOCKER container list in unraid anymore. Is there a chance to restart it via console? Can i remove the seemingly faulty extra parameters before i restart it?

When you get an error you can just hit back and edit again. Since that was likely closed since you go to apps, previous apps, find the template and install/correct. You need "-e" before each parameter.


The crontab companion needs no change for this container, just install as is. The other instructions were how to adapt it to other NC templates / images like the LSIO / knex666 ones. 



4 hours ago, Gekko said:

makes me wonder, why this isn't implemented by the official devs

AFAIK it is in the "Nextcloud AIO" which is their actual official solution. 

Edited by Kilrah
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3 hours ago, Kilrah said:

When you get an error you can just hit back and edit again. Since that was likely closed since you go to apps, previous apps, find the template and install/correct. You need "-e" before each parameter.

Thank you so much for your answer!

I tried using the -e before each parameter, but only the first one (memory_limit=2G) seems to be acknowledged, the upload size seems to be ignored (screenshot)...does the extra parameters approach need some seperation character for each parameter?


I installed the crontab using vanilla variables on an nextcloud-ffmpeg installation, but in the backened, the cron service seems to get no feedback from the cronjob container.


2024-08-04 13_00_49-System - Verwaltungseinstellungen - gekkocloud – Mozilla Firefox.jpg

2024-08-04 12_52_29-Grundeinstellungen - Verwaltungseinstellungen - gekkocloud – Mozilla Firefox.jpg

2024-08-04 12_56_13-Terra_Docker – Mozilla Firefox.jpg

2024-08-04 13_08_53-Terra_UpdateContainer – Mozilla Firefox.jpg

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