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Error on reboot

Go to solution Solved by jmztaylor,

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Hey everyone,


Performed a periodic reboot of my server (6.10.3) and now have the following displayed at the top of the screen.



Warning: parse_ini_file(/usr/local/emhttp/state/flashbackup.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.my.servers/include/myservers2.php on line 552


I have restarted again just incase a config file failed to load correctly and still have the message displayed.


I am reasonably new to Unraid so don't want to go digging to far without posting here first.


All help and comments will be appreciated. 

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I was welcomed by a "boot drive unavailable or corrupted" message today so I have reflashed my boot usb and I have the same message as you right now.


EDIT: Removing MyServers plugin fixes the error. Installing it again makes it pop up again immediately.

Edited by Eilinn
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On 9/4/2022 at 3:59 PM, RoTalk said:

Touching the file fixes till you reboot again and comes back.


I did not disable the plug-in but what fixed it for me is I signed out of the plugin and the error went away.



edit the file /boot/config/go and above the /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & line, add the touch command like below. This will cause it to create the file every boot.


# Start the Management Utility
touch /usr/local/emhttp/state/flashbackup.ini
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


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