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Unmountable wrong or no file system + missing another disk! :(

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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40 minutes ago, trurl said:

This latest screenshot was waiting for you to reboot so upgrade could be applied. Did you?


Have you checked lost+found share?


I have recently returned home, I preferred to be near the server for the reboot and its build. I just did this and it looks all right again! Now I will have to wait around 20-22 hours for the rebuild to finish.
The data would all appear to have been recovered! :)
Thank you very much for the precious support you have given me. Alone I would surely have made irrecoverable disasters.
As soon as the rebuild is finished you will day to confirm the success!

Screenshot 2022-11-10 alle 22.14.02.png

Screenshot 2022-11-10 alle 22.13.04.png

Edited by steppi
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I write this post to summarize everything that has happened to me hoping it will be of help to those who find this.

My first problem was having a Marvell controller installed which corrupted two disks in the array. This led me to have a big problem: unraid can only handle 1 corrupt or broken disk. When the broken discs are more than 1 it becomes a bad situation.
So following all the suggestions of the forum I understood that we must act in this way:

- Turn off server
- Add a new hdd equal or larger in size to the largest of the broken ones
- Turn on pc
- Install ddrescue (from nerd tool package)
- Stop array
- Access via terminal - ddrescue /dev/sdX/ dev/sdY/ /boot/ddrescue.log (replace X with the broken disk and Y with the new disk)
- server reboot
- assign the new-clone disk (sdY) in the array
- start array
Hopefully the rebuild of the other corrupt / broken disk should start

If you can't assign sdY and it says "wrong", there is a filesystem problem so try to do this (see last post):

- unraid menu - tool - new config
- assign the disk
- confirmation
- stop array
- start array - with maintenance mode

then from the terminal:
xfs_repair -vL /dev/md7 (replace 7 with the disk number that is nn recognized)


If I have forgotten any passages, please correct the post. The important thing that this mini-guide remains for the next unfortunate like me who stumble upon a similar adventure.

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