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2 Failed discs simultaneously


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SO, not having 2 parity discs appears to have bitten me in the arse.


My parity disc is showing a red x and one of my data disc in not mountable [image attached].


The data disc is under warranty with free data recovery so its a maybe for getting the data back but in the meantime because the party appears to have failed I can't rebuild either.


What are my options for getting the server back up and running without the data [hoping that I will get it back from the data recovery service]?


If I rebuild the array, do all my apps still know where everything is? Or am I going to need to effectively start with a fresh UnRaid install  and reinstall everything from scratch? I now have enough replacements to run 2 parity but need a path to get back to operational [preferably] without starting from scratch.


Diags attached.



20220922 - Unraid - Array Error.jpg


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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Disabled and unmountable are two different things, were is the old disk9? It's not in the diags posted.

The old disc 9 is in a box ready to ship off to Seagate to have data recovery attempted on it.


23 minutes ago, trurl said:

And parity won't fix unmountable.


Without valid parity you must have that disk to repair its filesystem and make it mountable again.

I can pull it out of the box and plug it back in but then how do I attempt the repair?

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14 minutes ago, trurl said:

Your diagnostics indicate you had already added parity2 and also removed disk9, which doesn't agree with your screenshot.


But you hadn't yet started the array to begin parity build on the 2 parity disks. Is that still correct?


Do you think parity1 was valid before it became disabled?


The screen shot was prior to adding the 2nd parity but I didn't start the array with the new parity disc. So the array is back to how it was when it failed. I don't have any reason to suspect that the parity wasn't valid before it became disabled.

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OK, the only reason I didn't want the array to start automatically is because I thought it might try to build both parity.


The standard thing to do now would be to try to repair filesystem on disk9, but I wonder if it would be useful to get parity back into the array so we could emulate disk9.


Just thinking out loud here, see if @JorgeB has any thoughts.





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3 minutes ago, trurl said:

I guess check filesystem on disk9 wouldn't change anything as long as you do it with -n.


Check filesystem on disk9 (with -n). Be sure to capture the output so you can post it.

Sorry, I should have pointed out that you have a bit of a noob here. I can muddle my way through most things but Linux command line isn't one of them. Unless the check filesystem [with -n] isn't on the command line in which case I clearly even more lost than I thought. [I hope the comical self deprecation is coming through in my comments!!]

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By the way, SMART for disk9 looks fine except for 3 CRC errors and these are connection problems not disk problems. The disk firmware records these when it receives inconsistent data (checksum). (It can't know about any connection problem where it doesn't receive any data.)


51 minutes ago, ddm73 said:

ship off to Seagate to have data recovery attempted

Is this data so important you were willing to pay for data recovery?

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