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recently my parity has slowed not sure but probably related to moving to a new server

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i have recently migrated to a new server and added two new parity drives they are 12TB WD RED plus nas.


they are internal to the server on the 'Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset SATA RAID Controller'


the rest of the array besides the nvme cache and one for passthrough to a vm, which was off during the time the diag was taken.


anyway the rest of the array is 22 disks via a 'Broadcom / LSI SAS2308 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 (rev 05)' which is connected to a NetApp DS4246, with IOM6 modules, (just using one).


the drives are all seagate 3TB ST3000NM0033 except, 3 are 8TB WD RED NAS WD80EFAX drives.


previously about a month ago after switching to this server already i was getting ...


Parity-Check 2022-07-06, 00:28:08 8 TB 21 hr, 28 min, 7 sec 103.5 MB/s OK 0


but that was before adding the new 12 TB parity on another internal controller.


here is the parity sync for that.


Parity-Sync 2022-08-05, 08:18:10 12 TB 1 day, 6 hr, 30 min, 13 sec 109.3 MB/s OK 0


but since then i have had super slow parity can't finish it cause it will take half a year.


Total size:12 TB

Elapsed time: 18 hours, 44 minutes

Current position: 126 GB (1.0 %)

Estimated speed: 1.2 MB/sec

Estimated finish: 115 days, 7 hours, 58 minutes

Sync errors corrected: 0


i thought maybe my vm was slowing it  down so i turned that off, which crashes the whole system but thats a different issue. and since then i have not turned on the vm.


how can i troubleshoot my slow parity what should i look at.  i can't find any issues with the  drives or their speeds or their controllers or speeds. not sure where to look or test next.


any help would be appreciated.




Edited by xtrap225
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okay i stopped the docker service and no significant change still over 30 load average.


stopped the vm service (even  though there only one vm and it wasn't on) same, still over 30 load average.


i not just paused but cancelled the currently running parity and still no change.


turned off auto start the array in prep for reboot.  when it reboot and it  comes back, should i start in maint-mode? or just leave off those services and start the array normal and run a parity for a while before uploading?


how long is a while?

did i miss turning off any other services? like smb or whatever(i guess i would have to stop the array so it might as be after the reboot if you want it stopped) ? i checked and no time-machine backups are running (really there is only one anyway, on the laptop i am writing this from.

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load average after reboot,


nothing running array stopped = 0.15 to 0.3


maint-mode parity started normally = 1.88

also parity looks good.


array started normal (SMB still enabled), docker service disabled, vm service disabled. = ~3.02


downloaded the diag after it was running like this for a  little bit.


gonna stop it again and disable SMB and start it and see what happens, while eagerly await your replydell-pc-diagnostics-20220924-1536.zip.


Edited by xtrap225
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i know i said i would wait but with just SMB and VM service enable (none actually on), after 15min of parity check



i really thought it would be something to do with docker

i stopped automatic timemachine backups cause i found that had kicked off and cancelled it.

i stopped my sonarr, radarr, and lidarr services on another machine which could cause network traffic to the unraid server's array.

it didn't help


my load average has jumped back up to ~26 and possibly rising.



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i think i got it.


all previously posts were with docker disabled.


i have removed the dynamix file integrity plugin, and started up docker.


so far so good. load average is floating around ~2.4 to ~3 ,, ah gone down to 2.2 and lower ~1.71


so that is ~12 dockers running and the parity check



so thank you for your help but i believe all is well again, i guess that plugin is broken or defunct now, or not and i just need to rework it better if its still useful.


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i want to add some tangential information for others that are reading this thread.


i reinstalled the dynamix file integrity plugin again and it slowed my parity right back down.  its running blake3 btw.  my cpu is Intel® Xeon W-2235 so it has the proper avx extensions for it.


so  i excluded the time-machine backup shares from its check, which is the only place i ever had so-called bitrot, but i am sure those were false positives.   as i have used them for restores more than a few times and never had any issues.


i am unsure if you are not supposed to check time-machine shares anyway or not, but i don't think it works properly with those.  if someone else thinks otherwise and has the same issue, you may wish to go over to the support for that plugin and report it.


but once i excluded those, my parity is running ~150MBps on the newer drives and ~115MBps on the older drives.   it has increased my average system load to around 4, but that is just while it catches up i assume.


also i am re-enabling spectre mitigations and removing that plugin. (mainly cause i didn't see any difference with them enabled and the newer 6.11.0 has even more mitigations built in)

and i will updates to 6.11.0 from 6.10.3 once this parity check i haven't gotten in so long is done.


however i am now a little concerned, yesterday when i ran the upgrade assistance it said i was all good to go, now something has changed and it says nerdpack and devpack aren't compatible and should be uninstalled. so i might need to wait for an update on those, assuming that happens. i am pretty sure i need those, so i don't want to just rip them out.  i am lucky i didn't get the upgrade notification while i was doing my maintenance yesterday cause i probably would have just done it, and had major issues.


i hope those packs (nerd & dev), aren't being abandoned and that they get an update soon that makes them compatible.


so i don't want to reboot again until parity is done, and its about 50% done now, which is sooooooo much faster than it was running.

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