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Many errors on new disk.


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Thanks for helping. 


If it's just. SATA problem, I guess it could have been much worse. 


I have a budget lsi hba card from eBay. So who knows if it's actually legit. 


What is the next step right now?


I have a spare card and cables. I could swap everything out. But it's also an eBay card. 


I would be willing to pay much more for a quality one. I'm just not sure where to look. 


Am I safe to clear those stats? Will any of this affect parity? 


Thanks for all the help on this by the way. I'm sorry I can't contribute more. 

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On 11/26/2022 at 9:10 AM, Cupid said:

I have a budget lsi hba card from eBay. So who knows if it's actually legit. 

On E-Bay, you are buying the vendor.  Particularly, with LSI cards.  Those early cards (basically, the 9200 series) have not been made by LSI for 8-10 years!   The only way to get a genuine LSI one is to buy a used one.  As I said, buy the vendor and make sure that the vendor in your country.  Check that the vendor has been around for a while that they have a very high satisfaction rating!   You may pay (almost probably) a bit but you will probably get exactly what is being advertised.  


Don't be afraid to be looking at the used cross-flashed LSI cards manufactured for IBM and Dell.  They are almost certainly genuine. 

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7 hours ago, dirkinthedark said:

This is a RAID card and not cross flashed back to the LSI IT-MODE.  (This will have to be done to use the card with Unraid!)  The manufacturing date does look correct and I have never heard of anyone 'counterfeiting' IBM cards...


IF you need cross-flashing instructions, Start here:


and here:



If that seems overwhelming to you, I have purchased cards ready-to-use in Unraid flashed to the proper LSI IT-MODE version from this E-Bay vendor and been very satisfied:




His prices are a bit higher than others but have a look at his reputation--- Almost 7000 satisfied customers.  I suspect you are in Canada so this vendor is not in your country...



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