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6.11.3 SMB media streaming problems


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I'm using my server to store all my media files. Recently, I bought a Zappiti Neo (android media player) to access the files from Unraid. Around every 10 minutes I get playback freezes - the image goes into "slow motion" (getting new frames every 0.5 seconds) and the audio is gone. It also doesn't matter if it is a low or high bit file. If I exit the player and start the video again at the same point in time it plays completely normal for the next ten minutes and then it happens again. 


My first thought was that the Zappiti Neo is faulty but I've got an replacement unit with the exact same problem. Also, according to the Zappiti support my problem is not common. I moved on to my network configuration, changing cables and even buying a new switch. Nothing changed. 


I then updated Unraid from 6.9.2 to 6.11.3 which actually improved the playback. Now, I get the freezes mostly on very high bit files while Blu-ray rips sometimes play without any issues. But most of the time the issue still persists. Yesterday, I tried streaming from a Windows PC within the same network configuration - playback was perfect. I watched a 2 hour 4k movie without any issues, no freezes, no lags and the player seemed more responsive when changing chapters. I watched other files for the rest of the night and everything was perfect.


Now I'm pretty sure that my network and the media player are both working and the problem occurs on the Unraid server. The player is using the SMB protocol. 

  • Might this be a problem which can only be fixed by an Unraid update?
  • Which are the best Unraid network settings for streaming media?
  • Any other ideas to fix this problem?


The specs of my servers are: Motherboard: B560M D3H with 1GB Intel NIC and a Intel Core i3-10100, drives are WD REDs and Seagate Exos. 


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This type of problems are difficult to troubleshoot.  Here are a few thing to look at---


First thing is that the Samba was update (again) with Unraid 6.11.5.  Not sure what was addressed in that upgrade.   (This is still not the latest version as Samba addressed some CVE issues in late December...)


You are not using Wifi in any manner in the networking between the Neo and server???


Something to try is the 'Safe' boot mode.  See what effect that has on the problem.


Does the Neo support NFS?  If it does, try using that protocol and see if that changes things. 


Check the physical connection scheme you have on your LAN.  Try to make sure that you have the Neo and the Unraid server on the same switch.  (You might have to move the Neo and connect it to a computer type monitor to do this test.)


(These are all random thoughts/suggestions and not a 1-2-3 list of items to be tried in order!)



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I upgraded to 6.11.5 and noticed that performance improved a bit. It now sometimes recovers very fast by itself (freezes for 1 or 2 seconds only). Before it did not recover, I had to exit playback and start again. 


Right now there is a small wifi "bridge" (Unraid is connected via Lan to router, wifi, access point is connected via Lan to Neo) but the same network configuration with the Windows PC was working without any freezes. In an earlier experiment I directly established a Lan connection using a newly bought switch between Unraid and the Neo - I got more frames during the slow motion part. Back then I was still on 6.9.x. But you are right - I already bought new networking gear and I will establish a wired connection this weekend. I also ordered an additional Intel NIC which I will install in the server. Maybe one of those things will help. 


NFS is supported but the error still occured during playback. 


What about the Unraid SMB settings? Are there any commands that I could try? (I don't really know all that much about SMB to be honest)


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This is generally a network issue-- Not a SMB one ---when there are transfer speed problems with a single file. 


Make sure that the MTU is set to 1500 bytes for everything in the entire network.  (No jumbo frames)


Reboot all the hardware in the entire network.  (These are all small computers and a occasional reboot will sometimes 'fix' things...)


On the Unraid Dashboard, have a look at the Interface (shown below).  Particularly, the Error info.  I have circled a dropdown box arrow that reveals a four choices.



These are the errors on one of my servers.  The other server  looks identical.  These two servers have been up a combined total of 63 days.


I think you have an Intel NIC so I don't know quite what new one do differently but might as well try it when you get it.  (I had a streaming problem about seven years that was traced to a RealTek driver issue...)  


You might also trying streaming directly to a PC and see if that has a issue.


Do you have problems with BluRay material?  BluRay requires a max of 54Mb/s  while UltraHD BluRay requires 54 to 128Mb/s.   


I am no WiFi expert.  (I avoid it with a passion whenever possible!)  But I do know that the max speeds quoted are seldom achieved in the 'real' world.  Th 2.4GHz band is shared with microwave ovens, wireless phones and countless other 'man toys'.  (And I didn't even mention every Cable company modem/router installation in your neighborhood!  Last time I looked using my Ubiquiti AP could see eight of these on my WiFi setup.)  OH, and do you have a printer on WiFi?  The 5GHz band signal is attenuated by anything thicker than a Kleenex and signal strength determines the max data rate.

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I'm using the default Unraid network settings so MTU is already set to 1500  bytes. I rebooted and reset all network devices including the Zappiti. I also received the Intel NIC and installed it - still getting freezes. Well, it was worth a try. At least I can return the NIC. As you mentioned my motherboard already uses a built in Intel NIC (I specifically chose the mb because of it)


I didn't know about the error info tab. Since I had to shutdown the server the count is only for the last few hours. On bond0 I have 322 drops in the "receive counters" section, everything else is 0. Transmit counters shows 0 errors even though I just had freezes during playback. What does that mean?


Yes, I'm streaming uncompressed Blu-ray and UHD rips - the outbound measurement shows up to 128 Mb/s and it generally works until it freezes for a couple of seconds. 

You are also right about Wifi - I'm still working on the wired connection but it's not that simple (old house, lots of walls to pass)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I finally made a direct LAN connection possible. But, as before, the problem still occurs. Pretty disappointed since upgrading the network was a heavy task. At least the drop count remains stable at 0 now.


I monitored the network traffic panel during a freeze and noticed something: As the image was freezing, network traffic obviously went down to 0 (from around 100 Mbit/s since I was watching a 4k file) and remained at 0 - 10 Mbit/s. At the same time CPU usage spiked for a second and then went back down. The Unraid Web GUI became unresponsive and didn't update itself while the image on my TV was frozen. Maybe this is a system error? Some kind of HW failure? Going to do a Memtest now ...

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30 minutes ago, kupoint said:

The Unraid Web GUI became unresponsive and didn't update itself while the image on my TV was frozen. Maybe this is a system error? Some kind of HW failure? Going to do a Memtest now ...


The GUI becoming unresponsive would be the result of the network traffic going to zero.  (The GUI on your PC can not be updated if the information is not being received.)  The other two questions are somewhat rhetorical because IF someone has the answer to them, your problem would solved.   The problem now becomes figuring what is going on.  (This is the first time I can recall seeing this problem--- that was not a networking problem --- in several years.  I had one back in 2015 that turned out to be a NIC driver issue...) 


How long do these freezes last? 


Do you have the problem if you are streaming BluRay material now?


You are not trancoding on the server--- right?  The file is simply being streamed out of the Unraid server directly to the Zappiti Neo using a wired Gb connection.


Now, let's start by doing a test to see that the basic NAS function is not an issue.


After the MemTest is done, try booting into the 'Safe' mode and test to see if the problem still occurs.  Report back your results.


A other thing to do is to capture the diagnostics file right after the problem occurs.  (If you can get the exact time (in log time) that would be helpful but at least post the approximate interval after the problem as to when the diagnostics file was requested by you.) 



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MemTest reported no errors. The media files are spread out over all my disks and I already checked that it doesn't matter on which disk the file is placed.


I'm not transcoding, streaming directly to the Neo with a wired Gb connection, yes. 


The biggest improvement I noticed during the last two months was when I upgraded UnRaid to 6.11.5 from, I believe, 6.9.x. Before that every media file, no matter the bitrate, would freeze around every ten minutes. With 6.11.5 lower bit content plays longer and recovers faster, 4k media is the main problem now - picture freezes, audio is gone, after 0.5 seconds I get the next image frame and maybe some audio. This goes on indefinitely until I stop the playback. If I start it again at the same timestamp it plays normally. With Blu-Ray content it is more like a glitch now, like you get on youtube or Netflix, it lasts for a second and it goes back to normal. Even lower quality plays mostly fine. 


Weird thing is: I have a Zappiti Mini (older version, unfortunately not capable of playing Dolby Vision and has some other device related problems) that never had problems like these (and it wasn't even a wired connection). I'm still using it because playback is smooth and without any of these issues. But I'm also pretty sure that the Neo is not broken because I already tried a different Android player with the same Realtek chip as the Neo which had the exact same issue. It might be some weird incompatibility between the current Realtek firmware and the Unraid version. I alreay mentioned that playing 4k files from a Windows machine in the same network configuration was perfectly fine with the Neo, the error only occurs when playing a file from Unraid. 


I also tested safe mode and it still occured, but I had the feeling that it was not "as bad" as before - even in 4k files it was only a few glitches. Debugging it is hard because there is no real pattern when it happens, except that higher bit content is more affected. And it is never at the start of playback, always at least 8 to 10 minutes after starting it. 


As requested, I uploaded the diagnostics file after I encountered a glitch during playback. I don't have the exact time but it happened around 13:40 to 13:41 - I hope it helps. 



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I looked at your Diagnostics and there is nothing in the syslog around the 13:40. 


Your Unraid server uses an Intel chip set for the NIC.  They are normally trouble free.  (In fact, when folks are having network issues, it is often suggested that they get an Intel NIC card to test things out!)


However, RealTek NICs are often problematic.  (The problem I had back in 2015, the RealTek Linux drivers were at the issue at the heart of the problem and I finally solved the problem with a Intel NIC.   Apparently, as far as RealTek is concerned, Linux is an ugly stepchild -- Windows is their bread-and-butter.)


As another test, play the troublesome files on your PC.  I use the VLC Media Player (free) and it has played every video file in whatever wrapper that I have thrown at it.  (As you might observe, I am not completely certain that NEO is completely ruled out of the picture as the culprit.   All I know is that you are the only Unraid user with a complaint about video playback issues in a long time who was using an end-to-end wired connection.) 



As a complete aside not related to your problem!!!  About a year ago, I converted from some old (~2010 time period) media players (problems with Dolby HD audio passthrough) to Windows10 mini/micro computers running Kodi and have been satisfied with the results.  It was a bit of work as I also setup an Unraid MySQL Docker to store the database on the Unraid SSD cache drive which means that all five of the PCs in my home share and, thereby, have instant access to a complete up-to-date information of all the movies on my server.

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I've been in contact with the Zappiti support and apparently I am the only one with a problem like that. According to my own research on the web this seems true since no othere Zappiti user ever posted about it. It is really frustrating since it's been almost two months with many hours of troubleshooting and nothing seems to work, I like everything else about my home cinema setup, but in this state it is just not usable. I guess I have to wait for Unraid and/or Zappiti firmware updates, hoping it will fix it for good. I will also try to get my hands on a Nvidia Shield TV.  


I changed some networks settings for debugging but right now everything is set to default. 


Yesterday I tested safe mode and rebooted afterwards, since then Unraid is unable to establish a network connection and I'm not shure how to proceed. 

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Unraid wasn't able to get an IP address so I couldn't access the server at all. I somehow fixed it by unplugging the cable and changing some BIOS settings (not sure if that did anything, maybe it was just reboot magic). BIOS is mostly untouched with default settings for the NIC, could there be anything related to my problem? There are not a lot of options regarding network stuff. It's a Gigabyte b560m d3h. 

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Try changing to another port on the switch.  Also reboot the switch--- Those things contain a the equivalent of a small dedicated computer and a reboot seems to solve some network issues.  (I once had a 'Green' switch with ports that wouldn't wake-up.)


Did you ever try this:

21 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

As another test, play the troublesome files on your PC.  I use the VLC Media Player (free) and it has played every video file in whatever wrapper that I have thrown at it. 


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For giggles, try installing Disable Security Mitigations from the Apps tab and see if that makes a difference.


Also, you're running a 10th gen cpu.  Most motherboard manufacturers set the CPUs to basically run full throttle all the time in defiance of the specifications of the chip (inherit overclock).  In the BIOS, set the TDP to 65Watt instead of Auto 

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16 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

@Squid, Have you looked at the TipsAndTweaks app to control CPU performance?  Would be interested in your thoughts...



I just have major issues with mobo mfg's playing games to tweak their performance numbers on the 10th Gen which results in cooking your CPU.  My 10900 wouldn't even boot Windows without throttling itself with the stock cooler before I found out why and then set the TDP to it's appropriate 125W instead of Auto (which works out to be 4 KW)


So far as SMB is concerned, their is some anecdotal evidence that with later versions of the Kernel that the plugin will significantly improve performance over SMB

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I made the appropriate changes in the BIOS and also tried the "Disable Security Mitigations" plugin. Sadly nothing changed. The processor load during playback is always under 5 %, mostly at 1 or even 0 in the WebGUI. I also tried a Jellyfin install on the Zappiti and the app is not stable at all, so no workaround here. 


I think my only chance for any kind of improvements are firmware and Unraid updates. Until then I will use the old player for non 4k-files and the Neo with 4k files that are directly connected via an HDD. That's not a great solution but at least my home cinema will be usable again. Zappiti support mentioned that they tested Synology NAS systems extensivly and freezes never occured with a wired connection. I really like Unraid but unless it gets resolved I might need to switch systems. Troubleshooting for several months without any results is frustrating. 


One more thing: I captured a freeze during Blu-Ray playback, it lasted for around 2-3 seconds. Outbound traffic went to zero, at the same time there was a small increase in CPU load (from 1 % to maybe 3 % or 4 %), then it picked up again by itself (which does not happen with 4k media). As mentioned before, the freezes never occur at the start of playback, it is always at least 10 minutes into it and then happens periodically. 



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I have not other suggestions to offer you at this point beyond some networking issue.  (You do have a single layer network with a single router/switch-- or  a router and a single switch with all LAN connections to the switch.)  and a My Unraid Media server is much the same as yours (from a hardware standpoint) expect that you are using a much later generation.  Yesterday, I was running three 1080 streams at the same time without a hiccup.   (I could run five streams but I can not monitor all of them...)    The only possible difference is that I have a very basic NAS setup.     Particularly no VMs.  


However I am running FoldingAtHome Docker and its settings means that my CPU is running at 66% to 80% and it was still streaming three streams without a problem.  When I tested with FoldingAtHome paused, there was still no problem. 


I am still wondering why you have tested to see if you can stream from Unraid to a windows PC.  (OR don't you have a stand alone PC...)


PS--- Multi-layer can work fine if one pays attention to the connection link between the layers and carefully evaluate the potential for that link to a choke point for data transfer.  My Gb home LAN actually has three layers and it works flawlessly for what I want to do.  Maximum speed required on the bottom layer is 100Mb/s. Max speed required for the layer choke point/link-cable is 200Mb/s.  From the Primary (layer 1) switch (16 ports) to the router speed requirement is 300Mb/s (My Internet ISP's download speed).  The reason for layer 2 and 3 is that they are on a separate floor and separate rooms. The floor and rooms have only one cable between them that the up-link port.


Edit: Here is a screenshot of the current running system with one HD stream:




Edited by Frank1940
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Just realized something. (Noticed it yesterday but it didn't register...)  Look at this screen capture from your post from about eighteen hours ago:


Notice that red dot (that I circled in green)  That is the data rate of the incoming traffic.  It occurred at the same time as the outgoing traffic resumed.  I would suspect that somewhere on the network, packet transfer was suspended for a period of time.  That burst was the stored packets being transferred to your server when the suspension was lifted. 


I would suspect that those packets came from your NEO requesting data packets (each packet would be less than 1500 bytes of data) from.   There is storage on the network itself. (How else can a Gb/s stream be sent to a device that will only receive 10Mb/s.)   It looks like the Neo is working properly so the problem must be elsewhere.  The problem could be in the Unraid server hardware or it could be somewhere in the LAN hardware. (Personally, I would reboot all of the LAN hardware, switch the server cable to another switch port, swap out the cable between the server and switch, and even try a new NIC card in the server as a last resort.)

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Thank you for all the suggestions. I also think that the Neo is not the problem because it worked flawlessly when I streamed media from my Windows desktop to it, as I mentioned a few posts above yours. It was the exact same network setup, except back when I made that test, there was even a small Wifi part between Windows and the Neo. That experiment suggests that the error occurs on the Unraid system. 


I haven't tried streaming from Unraid to Windows for an extended period of time, I might do that in the following days. 


I'm not a network expert - but I see two different possibilities: Neo somehow stops requesting new packets or Unraid somehow stops sending them. I don't think it is the network because I basically tried all of your ideas: Buying a completly new switch, trying different cables (currently running overpriced CAT7 lol), rebooting everything multiple times, upgrading firmware when possible ... 


I also have one more, probably silly, idea: Since streaming from Windows worked without any issues: Could I set up a Windows VM, mount my media and share them again using the Windows SMB service? I actually tried that today but Windows won't let me share a network share (probably a really strange use case). 



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I tried NFS back in November (old Unraid version) and it made no difference. 


I watched around an hour of 4k high bit content on my Windows machine using VLC and it worked flawlessly. It appears that the Neo and Unraid are both working correctly (I also get very good read and write speeds when copying files from Windows to Unraid) but somehow don't work well with each other. 


Right now I'm trying different relevant settings of the Neo (basically everything I can find). It is a tedious process but maybe it's just a single switch that needs to be turned on or off. As of my silly idea - I'm not knowledgeable enough to get it working so I gave up on it. 

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