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DNS unbelievable slow

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Hi community. At home I have an FTTH connection with 1000mbit down, 500mbit up. Ping times to google and other major websites around 7ms. I configured Google DNS and Cloudflare DNS. My unraid server nevertheless takes forever for simple tasks like checking for plugin updates. It needs like 5-7 seconds to check for each plugin. I have some installed. So checking for plugin updates takes way over a minute.  Checking for docker updates stalls after 3-4 minutes. What am I missing or doing wrong?

Any help is appreciated.


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I have the same problem with my Unraid Server (6.11.5)
In my case it all began after a normal reboot and then the gateway informations where gone.
After some searching on the forum I tried the tip from the User "Ford Perfect" https://forums.unraid.net/topic/133293-netzwerkeistellungen-ändern/#comment-1211323 to delete the network.cfg and network-rules.cfg files to reset the networkinformation.

After another reboot I configured the network again and I had my gateway back but its super slow but only the Unraid Server itself. All VMs or Docker Systems are super fast and also all the other clients at the same Network are fast.



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5 hours ago, Kedryn said:

Just installed, same problem. 4/6 seconds to resolve any domain.
Can't even install the community plugin.
But the machine did receive the Unraid Trial Key, so networking works


So I am Not the only one. Glad to hear.

Just Open a Shell and ping Google.com takes 5-6 Seconds to start the pinging. The Pings themselve are low as expected. Bandwith down 1000mbit from Internet. Perfect. Just the Name Resolution... 

Edited by HackHome
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After some research and testing, I have tried a complete fresh installation with different hardware and USB Sticks and also with different Unraid versions.
But they all had the same result, slow DNS requests.
Then I tried my installation at a friends house and it worked there super well and fast.
So in my case it must have something to do with my own Router/Firewall configuration.
I checked all firewall rules and I could not find anything wrong but anyway I installed the firewall new and imported all Rules and it worked direktly perfectly.

So in my case it was a unknown problem with my pfsense firewall.

Maybe it helps someone to find your own reason for your slow DNS.

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