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[6.11.1] Need Wireguard Help with Remote Access to Server


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I am trying to set up wireguard in order to access user shares remotely and was able to successfully with the Remote Tunneled Access option. However, my family (who does not live with me) will be using this as well and they don't necessarily need access to my internet, just the shares. I was trying to use the Remote Access to Server option, but when I use that I end up not being able to connect to the internet or the shares. I am using my phone to test but is this the right option and right way to go about it? I was thinking about using Nextcloud but I was hoping to keep is as simple as possible where they can turn it on and then drop files in with file explorer like they're used to since teaching them something different would be a process with them.

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When in "Remote Access to Server" mode, you can't access the server by name or network IP, you need to use the server's IP on the WireGuard tunnel. The webgui will give you a "remark" telling you what the IP is:



That is likely the mode you want, as it will give your guests access to your server and nothing else. Note: there is not an option for "just the server + the whole Internet". If you want to give them the Internet then you give them your LAN too.


For more information about setting up WireGuard please see https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84226-wireguard-quickstart/ 


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Thank you! I replaced the url with the IP and am able to connect to the shares though it took longer to connect than when I was using Remote Tunneled Access. I was too caught up with trying to use the internet I ended up ignoring that part. 


So there's no way for them to use the VPN in which they use their own internet (not mine) + access to the shares at the same time?  It's not that big of a deal if they have to switch back and forth, though letting them keep it on would be nice. 

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One of my family members was able to connect but when transferring a test file (about 9GB) they were only getting about 1.5MB/s upload. With another test file for download they were still only getting about 1.5MB/s. Looks like SMB + VPN = issues but is there a way around this to make it more viable for transferring? 

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I have 1 Gbps up and down, and they have 1Gbps download (actual around 750Mbps) and 35Mbps upload. I don't expect to get full speed between us, but it should definitely be more than 12Mbps, at least for download. I can set up an actual test but think it would show something more than that. 

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