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Replaced IP Address Now Can't Access Server WebUI

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Unraid 6.1.1.  Server was at, router failed and new IP was forced to be different (long story).  New server IP is  Server boots and Plex works fine.  Unable to access WebUI.  Edited network.cfg file from console to get server IP address fixed.  Now the new IP redirects to the old server URL (https://192-168-29-100.07e4127bd082ef3581fee423cf693702d77940a0.myunraid.net/login) and says the site can't be reached.




I've also tried to access my "myservers" account at https://account.unraid.net as I have before, but all I get is the attached screenshot.  User id and email is correct.


I must have missed something?   Thanks in advance for the assist...


Edited by jeffreywhunter
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Interesting, didn't think about how the SSL aspect could be causing the problem.   The link says:



Once you enable local SSL per the instructions above, you will access your server through a Fully Qualified Domain Name:

  https://yourpersonalhash.unraid.net or https://yourpersonalhash.unraid.net:<https_port> (if your https port is not the default of 443)

This is required in order to utilize a fully valid SSL certificate. A downside is if you temporarily lose Internet access and your browser has not cached the DNS for yourpersonalhash.unraid.net, you will be unable to access the webgui.


How do I locate m "personal hash"?

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No I am still unable to access.  I can access plex, but can't access my server.  My problem is that the IP Address has changed from to  The server is up and I can access the plex server with no issues.  Just can't access the web gui.  The link that JorgeB provided does not apply to an IP class address change, just SSL being down.  So I don't know where to go to fix this. 


What I need is to be able to access myunraid.net and change the IP address there.  Then it should work. Is there a way to login to my personal myunraid.net account online somewhere and edit the IP address?


Just don't know how to do that...  or am I missing something?

Edited by jeffreywhunter
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19 hours ago, jeffreywhunter said:

The link that JorgeB provided does not apply to an IP class address change, just SSL being down.


Please follow the instructions at that link. They do apply here.


Once you have access to the webgui, go to Settings -> Management Access and get your new url.


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Ok, sorry, missed the use_ssl  no.  was able to access server.  However, settings > management access does not allow me to get a new URL.  I don't see a way to reset the URL.  The old url is still displayed and the message and the warning " Warning Your current url is not in the list of allowed origins for this server." is displayed.  In My Servers, I signed out and back in, but nothing allowed me to change or reset the URL.

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Hmm, I expected the nginx command to grab the current ip from eth0 and rewrite the nginx config files, but that didn't happen


On 3/27/2023 at 8:58 AM, jeffreywhunter said:

Edited network.cfg file from console to get server IP address fixed.


I think we are in a weird state from hand editing the network.cfg, where it wasn't fully applied.  Can you try a reboot?



Once this is resolved, you'll want to investigate these read and write errors on disk1. Hopefully someone else can help with that:

Apr  3 00:33:30 HunterNAS kernel: md: disk1 read error, sector=2160964152
Apr  3 00:33:30 HunterNAS kernel: md: disk1 write error, sector=2160937944


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On 4/13/2023 at 10:14 AM, ljm42 said:

Once this is resolved, you'll want to investigate these read and write errors on disk1. Hopefully someone else can help with that:

Apr  3 00:33:30 HunterNAS kernel: md: disk1 read error, sector=2160964152
Apr  3 00:33:30 HunterNAS kernel: md: disk1 write error, sector=2160937944


Yep, I've got a bad drive which needs to be replaced.  New one on order...

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