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Best VPN and docker container for a noob?


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I only have a very basic Unraid setup that I use as a Plex server and to run sonarr, radarr etc. I had been using the Nordvpn container but that has stopped working and I can’t figure out how to get the Nordlynx container to work. I’ve read through the forum thread for the Nordvpn container but most of the guides and advice goes over my head as I really don’t understand much about networking, linux, bashing, etc., literally everything I’ve done with my server I’ve accomplished by following youtube guides. My Nordvpn subscription ends soon so I can easily switch to a different provider.


My requirements really are just great speeds and a docker container that’s easy to configure that I can route my *arr and sabnzbd containers through.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I suggest you take a look at Tailscale (free for personal users).

It is very simple to install and can allow your remote access from iOS, Android, Windows etc.

Upon my test the transmission speed can support my 720p streaming via 4G/5G cellular data on jellyfin. I bet Plex may be the same.


Tailscale webpage:



This is a post telling you how to install Tailscale on your windows PC and UNRAID server, you may need a webpage translation though.



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On 4/12/2023 at 2:36 PM, marco_yang said:

suggest you take a look at Tailscale


They're looking for an outbound VPN to mask downloading Linux ISOs


On 4/12/2023 at 7:38 AM, ChutneyBadger said:

switch to a different provider.


I've had pretty good luck with PIA and binhex's deluge-vpn docker container 

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