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Overview: PufferPanel is an open source game server management panel designed to be easy to use and easy to install. PufferPanel supports Minecraft, Forge, Spigot, Sponge, Source Dedicated Servers, BungeeCord, PocketMine, Forge, and much more.

Application: https://www.pufferpanel.com


Docs: https://docs.pufferpanel.com/en/latest/index.html

First Run:

Create a user:

docker exec -it PufferPanel /pufferpanel/pufferpanel user add


Edited by TQ
Update initial instructions
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20 hours ago, Blue300 said:

So I installed pufferpanel, it screwed with another container, so I removed it.. now it's uninstalled but still working and hogging the port I'm using for another container. How do I kill this?

I'd recommend removing it with the below command. You can then use your "my-templates" to restore the old application and it's config.

My bet is that it collides with another port, and in that case, you can simply change it.


docker rm PufferPanel -f


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On 5/11/2023 at 12:41 AM, TQ said:

I'd recommend removing it with the below command. You can then use your "my-templates" to restore the old application and it's config.

My bet is that it collides with another port, and in that case, you can simply change it.


docker rm PufferPanel -f


I did this and when I try accessing the port pufferpanel still shows up..

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have removed the container, and pruned the image; it cannot be there. Perhaps another container is using the same port and for some reason is hosting the same content as the PufferPanel appdata.

I cant think of any other reason this would/could be happening.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a master pufferpanel node that is connected to another pufferpanel node on a remote pc. I cannot delete the servers created on the remote node from the master node. So I went into the files and deleted the servers manually. However, when I try to remove the remote node from my master node it comes back with an error that there are still servers connected to the node. Does anyone know how to remove these ghost servers? And also why when I try to delete a server on the remote node it comes back with an error?


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Yes, I have attached the logs. I apologise for sending them as a screenshot. I needed to remove private information (ip addresses and web addresses).


Overnight the master pufferpanel instance was taken offline because the computer lost power. I am now getting 401 errors and cannot log into the pufferpanel while the remote node is connected. Before when I sent the previous message in this thread I was only getting 200 and 404 (errors) and I was able to log into pufferpanel when connected to the node.


There are servers currently running on the master panel which cannot be removed. There are no servers in the /servers directory on the remote node. However, the master node still thinks that there are still servers (hence the 404 errors).








Edited by corfoto4
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  • 2 months later...

Trying to switch from Pterodactyl as it had some very slow startup times - wanted to see if puffer was any different or better.

Haven't been able to find any walk-throughs or how-to's on setting up an ARK server with puffer, but I've had no luck. Can't figure it.

Using the ark-docker template. Ports opened etc. So I click install - it goes through the motions - appears to do a full install of the app - and reports all went well.

I then click start on the server and it quickly fails (interestingly I see it does create the game container, which then disappears as the server fails.)


So this is the console - you can see the installation completes. I try to start it and it fails. Then I try to install again, and it reports it's installed - although I can't actually find the the game data... just the log and config files on the sever - then I try to start it again.


I don't know what I don't know with all this - probably something simple, but I just need someone to point it out and how to fix



Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 82.29 (15511244210 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 84.89 (16000511111 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 87.50 (16492022376 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 90.10 (16982977029 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 92.66 (17465159842 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 95.43 (17987320954 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 97.91 (18454772195 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 6.06 (1143076238 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 8.22 (1548609012 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 11.70 (2204662655 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 14.02 (2643149673 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 57.34 (10808225628 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 74.86 (14110874923 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 87.31 (16456069385 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 89.02 (16778849555 / 18848500301)
 Update state (0x101) committing, progress: 90.05 (16973236675 / 18848500301)
Success! App '376030' fully installed.
 Server installed
 Starting server
 Starting container
 Running post-execution steps
  Failed to start server
 Starting server
 Starting container
[DAEMON] Running post-execution steps
  Failed to start server
 Installing server
 Executing: steamcmd +force_install_dir /pufferpanel +login anonymous +app_update 376030 +quit
 Starting container
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/pufferpanel/.steam/root': No such file or directory
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/pufferpanel/.steam/steam': No such file or directory
Redirecting stderr to '/pufferpanel/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1691628584
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Success! App '376030' already up to date.
 Server installed
 Starting server
 Starting container
[DAEMON] Running post-execution steps
  Failed to start server


Here are the log files. 



[ERROR] 2023/08/20 01:23:03 error on reading from websocket: websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:39:26 | 401 |     826.222µs | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/server/021a5f76/console?time=1692446785"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:39:26 | 401 |      387.06µs | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/server/021a5f76/status"
[ERROR] 2023/08/20 11:39:26 token is expired by 12h14m37.077676704s
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:39:26 | 401 |    1.095041ms | | POST     "/auth/reauth"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:39:27 | 401 |      101.13µs | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/socket/021a5f76"
[ERROR] 2023/08/20 11:39:43 invalid credentials
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:39:43 | 400 |    2.610038ms | | POST     "/auth/login"
[ERROR] 2023/08/20 11:39:59 invalid credentials
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:39:59 | 400 |   89.034297ms | | POST     "/auth/login"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:08 | 200 |     285.232µs | | GET      "/auth/login"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:08 | 200 |     362.266µs | | GET      "/api/config"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:10 | 200 |   95.656787ms | | POST     "/auth/login"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:10 | 200 |    2.820121ms | | GET      "/api/userSettings"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:10 | 200 |     119.429µs | | GET      "/api/config"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:10 | 200 |    2.741899ms | | GET      "/api/userSettings"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:10 | 200 |    4.933728ms | | GET      "/api/servers?page=1&limit=10"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:10 | 200 |    1.765098ms | | GET      "/daemon/server/021a5f76/status"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:10 | 200 |    5.766585ms | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/server/021a5f76/status"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |    4.427378ms | | GET      "/api/servers/021a5f76?perms"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |     612.159µs | | GET      "/daemon/socket/021a5f76"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |    4.553372ms | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/socket/021a5f76"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |    3.371169ms | | GET      "/api/self"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |     588.064µs | | GET      "/daemon/server/021a5f76/tasks"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |    7.303861ms | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/server/021a5f76/tasks"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |    6.532814ms | | GET      "/api/servers/021a5f76/oauth2"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |     640.794µs | | GET      "/daemon/server/021a5f76"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |    7.816707ms | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/server/021a5f76"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |     652.736µs | | GET      "/daemon/server/021a5f76/data"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |     9.25865ms | | GET      "/proxy/daemon/server/021a5f76/data"
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:40:12 | 200 |   10.295303ms | | GET      "/api/servers/021a5f76/user"
[INFO] 2023/08/20 11:40:19 [021a5f76] Starting server 021a5f76
[INFO] 2023/08/20 11:40:19 websocket encountered error, dropping (write tcp> write: connection timed out)
[DEBUG] 2023/08/20 11:40:19 [021a5f76] Creating container
[DEBUG] 2023/08/20 11:40:19 [021a5f76] Does image steamcmd/steamcmd exist? true
[DEBUG] 2023/08/20 11:40:19 [021a5f76] Container command: [./ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer LostIsland?listen?SessionName=Soft Sweet Little ARK?ServerAdminPassword=13371337?MultiHome= -server -log]
[ERROR] 2023/08/20 11:40:31 [021a5f76] error starting server 021a5f76: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "./ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer": stat ./ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer: no such file or directory: unknown
[INFO] 2023/08/20 11:40:31 [021a5f76] Running post execution steps: 021a5f76
[INFO] 2023/08/20 11:43:31 [021a5f76] Installing server 021a5f76
[INFO] 2023/08/20 11:43:31 Executing command: steamcmd +force_install_dir /pufferpanel +login anonymous +app_update 376030 +quit
[DEBUG] 2023/08/20 11:43:31 [021a5f76] Creating container
[DEBUG] 2023/08/20 11:43:31 [021a5f76] Does image steamcmd/steamcmd exist? true
[DEBUG] 2023/08/20 11:43:31 [021a5f76] Container command: [steamcmd +force_install_dir /pufferpanel +login anonymous +app_update 376030 +quit]
[GIN] 2023/08/20 - 11:50:10 | 200 |    3.926966ms | | POST     "/auth/reauth"


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  • 5 months later...
Error: Unable to access jarfile paper.jar


I installed Pufferpanel and added an admin user. I downloaded the template for paper docker and installed it.  It shows:


DAEMON Allocating server

DAEMON Server allocated


I clicked Install...


DAEMON Installing server

DAEMON Downloading file https://api.papermc.io/v2/projects/paper/versions/1.20.1/builds/116/downloads/paper-1.20.1-116.jar DAEMON Moving file from paper-*.jar to paper.jar

DAEMON Writing some data to file: server.properties

DAEMON Writing some data to file: eula.txt

DAEMON Server installed


I tried to start the server

DAEMON Starting server

DAEMON Starting container Error: Unable to access jarfile paper.jar

DAEMON Running post-execution steps


I've read all I can but I'm not sure what to do from here. Any advice?



Edited by nathaningram
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  • 8 months later...

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