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Unmountable drive following power failure

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hi.  I'm fairly new to Unraid, having only been using it for the last year or so to run my Plex server.


I had a power outage about 3 days ago and my Unraid server unfortunately abruptly lost power as I was unable to make it to my tower prior to the UPS draining.


When I powered it back up, I got a message saying Disk 1 was "Unmountable: Not Mounted".  I found a few other threads on here where users have had similar issues, so I tried a few things they did including a smart disk check and a parity check...From what I could see, the smart disk check returned with no issues.  The parity check had more than 15,000 errors that it resolved.  Unlike the other thread mentions here:



following my parity check and reboot, the disk remains unmountable.  I haven't done anything further because, as I mentioned earlier, I'm a noob and am not sure what to do to save my data on disk 1.  Any advice would be appreciated.

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