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6.12.2 breaks too much

Go to solution Solved by Mat W,

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Disclaimer: Not truly looking for support, only venting but didn't know where else to put this (beyond reddit).

Anyone else having too many issues with 6.12.2 breaking too much to be usable?  I hit a "critical mass" point of removing plugin after plugin trying to get the dashboard to reappear that I have to revert back to 6.11.5.  I was losing too much functionality to make having a more customizable dashboard worth it.  Not to mention than have to fight to get some Docker containers working again after reverting but that's not the point.


As someone who has been in playing with tech since the late 90s, I get that community driven applications have their quirks and struggles.  But this?  This is too much.  I could be understanding if I was chasing the latest RC but this is a stable release that has been coming for a while.  I fully acknowledge that Limetech doesn't make most/all of the plugins so it's the responsibility of those that created the plugins but too experience and read about so many issues, it kinda falls back on the OS (webUI) changes at some point.

Don't get me wrong, I love unRAID and have helped multiple friends setup unRAID servers.  I'm not walking away anytime soon, I'm just voicing my disappointment.

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I went to 6.12.2 from 6.11.5.  I did, recently, locate the list of known plugins to cause issues with 6.12.x (6.12.0 release notes) and while I have 3 of the ones on the list, they were all already updates as suggested.  I think I'm just going to have to dedicate more time to re-do the upgrade and poke around more and attempt to better troubleshoot the root cause.  Was just frustrated that I had resolved the issue yesterday, only to find the dashboard missing again this morning.

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46 minutes ago, Mat W said:

I went to 6.12.2 from 6.11.5.  I did, recently, locate the list of known plugins to cause issues with 6.12.x (6.12.0 release notes) and while I have 3 of the ones on the list, they were all already updates as suggested.  I think I'm just going to have to dedicate more time to re-do the upgrade and poke around more and attempt to better troubleshoot the root cause.  Was just frustrated that I had resolved the issue yesterday, only to find the dashboard missing again this morning.

All of the known plugins (and the versions) that cause issues on the dashboard actually won't install on 6.12  That isn't to say that there isn't other ones (unlikely, but possible -> especially if they are "custom" or not known to Community Applications)

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So, I decided to put on my big boy pants and try the upgrade again.  I did remove the Docker Patch plugin prior to the upgrade this time but otherwise it was the same process.  Oh, and I did run the Upgrade Assistant beforehand which showed no conflicts.


The upgrade went smoothly, just like last time and so far no issues with a blank dashboard.  I guess I'll wait and see what happens.

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  • Solution

I have discovered the offending plugin after combing through most of the plugin threads.  There is an issue with the Disk Location plugin that caused the Dashboard to go blank BUT only when 1 or more drives is spun down.  Spinning up all drives resolves the issue.


This explains why everything would being working and then a drive would spin down and poof!  I was going crazy, well, more so than usual.

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