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GPU Passthrough no longer working after upgrade to 6.12.3

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Made a huge jump from 6.9.2 to 6.12.3 and GPU passthrough is no longer working.


All I'm getting is a black screen. No errors in the logs other than "char device redirected to /dev/pts/3 (label charserial0)" which I have no clue what it even means.


The VM is: Windows 10 - HD 6870


Checked everything that I previously needed for GPU passthrough including:

- bind GPU to vfio

- set GPU to multifunction on

- set audio portion of GPU to same bus and function=1

- specifically adding a VBIOS (I previously didn't need to do this at all on 6.9.2 but I tried anyway, didn't help at all so I removed it)

- IOMMU groups are good and isolating the GPU its own group


What's strange is that if I set up VNC as the primary GPU and my physical GPU as the secondary GPU, then passthrough works. I obviously don't want to set it up that way though and would hate as a workaround.


Edited by constellation
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Same here:

in 6.12.3 the gpu passthrough seems to be at least partly broken.

Exact same experience: If have my first GPU virtual the second one (real) will pass through without any problem whatsoever.

I have 4 GPUs all NVIDIA 2x 1030, 1x 2070, 1x 3060. The two 1030 work fine as passthrough. I have only troubles with the 2070 and the 3060 (which at least one of them is the GPU i really want to passthrough)

Due to my setup I am willing to test whatever scenario to get this working again.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I finally did the jump from 6.9 to 6.12, and also broke all my video passthru on the VMs.

Tried everything, including changing types of machines, re-installing the OS's, but nothing... just disastrous.

Did anyone get their VM's to do video pass through?


It looks like putting the video card as a second display kinda works with one of my amd cards.


Greatly appreciate any solutions.

I may have to role back to 6.9

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I have the same issue since the upgrade, all of my VM's with GPU passthrough don't work anymore.

I can access them through RDP, anydesk etc. but not with sunshine/moonlight without proper encode/decode function.


I can see the GPU's in all device managers and ...(kinda working?!)  but none outputs any display to monitors.


Have any of you found any solution to this?


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  • 1 month later...

Its busted, I have two full licenses and none of the VMs can pass through on two machines.. Shame for a paid software($$$) to not have it figured out for such a long time, 

Who is still paying for a piss- poorly supported platform.



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  • 2 months later...

Was there ever a solution for this one? I recently updated from 6.9.2 to 6.12.6 and have a similar problem with a similar GPU (an old HD 7850) on my Windows 10VM. I'm planning on starting my own thread but this is just too similar to not inquire.

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In my case I think there is mostly a hardware issue that becomes apparent with the Unraid update. I have an Asrock MB which doesn’t handle well pci lanes allocations between an M2 slot and the GPU slot. I removed the M2 from its (main) slot and things became better. I still need to boot several times before pass through properly gets acknowledged but at least it’s a known predictable issue. 

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