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Disk Errors - Do i need to replace this drive?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hello, I got an email alert about disk read errors that popped up during a Parity check. Shows 336 errors on one disk. I'm not sure what this means exactly and if I should replace this disk. (Disk 1) I know this question comes up a lot but I don't really see a thread with a solution / conclusion. Thanks for the guidance


I just ran an Extended SMART test on the disk and am attaching my Diagnostics.1131111142_Screenshot2023-08-02143852.thumb.png.d103affcdec28d839c322ab9266ce8dc.png



Edited by adminmat
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  • adminmat changed the title to Disk Errors - Do i need to replace this drive?
On 8/3/2023 at 12:10 PM, JorgeB said:

Run a parity check instead.


You should power off before changing the cables.


Swapped the SATA cable. Ran a parity check that completed with no errors. I should be good for a while then, right? 


I was opening and closing a cabinet the server sits on during the last parity check. That jostling could have caused it?



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