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Unraid server keeps freezing up randomly

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My unRAID server seems to freeze up every once in awhile on it's own. I can't reach the webGUI or SSH into the server. I'm not sure what's going on but I have tried several things that have worked for other people such as changing docker network from macvlan to ipvlan. I also tried disabling c state in the bios (I have a Ryzen 9 processor). Any advice would be appreciated to resolve this issue.



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So the crash just happened again. One thing I noticed is when the server starts up and I start the array it takes forever for the first SSH to load my profile. Also same thing happens when I run a basic "ls". The single core is pegged for almost a full minute (see screenshots). After that it operates smoothly.


I attached syslog as well as diagnostics.







syslog- tower-diagnostics-20230817-1353.zip

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sounds good - I'll check for BIOS version update next.
So I ran memtest86 and no errors after 2 passes. I did notice my memory by default is running at almost 4700 MHz. Could that be causing issues? Should I consider lowering the speed below the default? Reading up on the Ryzen 9 specs it looks like if I have 4 sticks I shouldn't be running faster than 3600 MHz.


https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-9-7900x#:~:text=vary by manufacturer.-,Connectivity,-System Memory Type

I'll try reducing that and see things stabilize

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  • 1 month later...

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