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automatically creating a folder under /mnt/

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Anyone knows where to look when a folder is automatically created after reboot...


i have a /mnt/videos folder created after each reboot, don't know where to look to modify this setting...


i don't use the folder, i do have emby / sonarr / transmmission but i already checked docker settings for each, no app/setting is requesting the creation of /mnt/videos ....


thnx in advanced

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That host path is clearly on disk2. Nothing obviously wrong with that container path depending on how the application uses it.


But, in any case, an incorrect container path can cause other problems (such as filling docker.img), but it cannot create a path on host storage. Only an incorrect host path can do this, because a container only has access to mapped host paths.


And since it doesn't happen with docker disabled, some container must be doing it


How many dockers do you have?

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2 hours ago, kicsrules said:

the folder gets created when emby is started....  :/


That implies a mis-configuration of emby.  


Any idea why emby is configured to give it access to /mnt on the host in the first place as this seems unusual.    The location /mnt/videos it is creating is only in RAM so it’s contents are lost on reboot.


It might be worth asking in the emby support thread if you are not sure.

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5 hours ago, itimpi said:

why emby is configured to give it access to /mnt

My guess is to simplify accessing other things in addition to user shares, such as an Unassigned Device. I don't use emby, does it have recording capability? Maybe something like that is misconfigured to write into /mnt instead of a user share or a mounted Unassigned Device.


Post your docker run command for emby.

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docker run
  -e TZ="America/Chihuahua"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e 'TCP_PORT_8096'='8096'
  -e 'UID'='2'
  -e 'GID'='2'
  -e 'GIDLIST'='2'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8096]/'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Resources/master/images/Logos/logoicon.png'
  -v '/mnt':'/mnt':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/disks/media2/media/videos':'/mnt/videos':'rw,slave'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/EmbyServer':'/config':'rw'
  --device='/dev/dri' 'emby/embyserver:latest'


The command finished successfully!


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I see you already have a mapping to the Unassigned Device media2, so I don't see what is to be gained by having a mapping directly to /mnt. Seems like mapping /mnt/user would make a lot more sense if all you need to do is get to all of your user shares.


In fact, your mapping to the Unassigned Device is the container path /mnt/videos. But, you already have the container path /mnt mapped to the host path /mnt.


So, /mnt/videos is a container path inside the /mnt container path, which is mapped to the host path /mnt. In other words, /mnt/videos is inside the host path /mnt. So that pretty much explains how you are creating the /mnt/videos folder on the host. And that folder is in RAM just like the rest of the Unraid OS, since it isn't a mounted disk or user share.


What is the purpose of your Unassigned Device mapping? How did you decide to do it this way? It can't have ever worked correctly.

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I think it actually adds to the confusion if you try to make container paths the same as the host paths. And it makes it easier to make the sort of mistake you have made.


A better idea would be to map /mnt/user to /media, for example, then look in emby for your media in the /media folder. And you could map /mnt/disks/media2/media/videos to /video, and then look in emby for those files on that UD folder in /video.



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