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No unique MAC address for a container with a fixed address on BR0 (MAC Address same as the Unraid Host IP)

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- I currently run Unraid 6.12.4

- IPVLAN mode

- I have 2 NIC's and use 1 NIC for all docker traffic, VM's and and host UI.


I have a single container that lives on my network bridge (BR0) with the IP Address

Everything works as expected, But i cant create a DHCP reservation for this container in my router as the MAC Address shows as the same MAC address as my Unraid Server Host. And i'd l need to be unique to save the DHCP reservation.


Do i need to move my networking mode over to MACVLAN to get a unique MAC Address for my Fixed IP Address container on BR0? As it stands i've limited the DHCP scope to give me 50 or so fixed addresses for issues like this so it's not crucial, but i find it more convenient to keep track of DHCP reservations on the router than find and update servers with fixed addresses..


Any advice? Cheers.

Edited by thestraycat
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