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Spin down von Unassigned Devices

Go to solution Solved by hawihoney,

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Hallo Zusammen.

Ich bin noch ein Beginner bei Unraid. Wie auf dem angehängten Bild zu sehen habe ich 3 Platten unterschiedlicher Größe als Unassigned Devices an meinen Unraid Server zu hängen. Es handelt sich bei allen Platten um USB-Platten. Zwei Platten werden nach 15 Minuten herunter gefahren (spin down), die Backup Platte nicht. Ausserden verstehe ich nicht weshalb bei der Platte 2 Partitionen angezeigt werden.

Hat jemand eine Ahnung, weshalb diese Platte nicht heruntergefahren wird?

Eine Frage am Rande, hat jemand eine Übersicht was sie Symbole bedeuten?

Danke euch schon mal für eine Antwort.


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Can you spin the disk down by clicking on the orb to the left of the 'Backup' text?


The two partitions were created by another software.  UD creates one partition when formatting a disk.


Hover your mouse over the icons and a tool tip will tell you what clicking the icon will do.

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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

Can you spin the disk down by clicking on the orb to the left of the 'Backup' text?

When I click on the ball next to the text, two moving green arrows appear. Then the green ball can be seen again.


The two partitions were created by another software.  UD creates one partition when formatting a disk.

I formatted the disk on a Windows PC. No matter whether as exFat or as NTFS, you can always see 2 partitions. I also formatted the other disks on WinPC. There is only one partition there.


Hover your mouse over the icons and a tool tip will tell you what clicking the icon will do.

When I hover over the symbols (the check mark or the pencil), no tool tip appears


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2 hours ago, dlandon said:

Hover your mouse over the icons and a tool tip will tell you what clicking the icon will do.


On my system I don't get any info when hovering over these icons. They are not explained in the Help '?'.




These are the icons in question from the first post in this thread:




May I issue a Feature Request here?


Edited by hawihoney
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14 minutes ago, hawihoney said:


On my system I don't get any info when hovering over these icons. They are not explained in the Help '?'.




These are the icons in question from the first post in this thread:




May I issue a Feature Request here?


They are diasbled.  That's why you don't get the tooltip.  Go to the disk settings (three gears icon) and create the default script.  The icons will then show tool tips.  You can only create a script when the device is unmounted.

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10 minutes ago, dlandon said:

They are diasbled.  That's why you don't get the tooltip.


Thanks. Wouldn't it be better to explain them in the help then? Just an idea.



While you're on the phone right now ;-)


On the Main page I need to click the icon to open DFM. In UD it's the name of the Device to do so. Disk1 on Main page leads to SMART, the DFM icon in UD leads to - don't know what it does. Is this because DFM is a seperate Plugin?


I'm a big fan of a consistent GUIs:






Edited by hawihoney
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33 minutes ago, hawihoney said:

Thanks. Wouldn't it be better to explain them in the help then? Just an idea.

I find very few users read the help.  Most don't even know it is there.


34 minutes ago, hawihoney said:

I'm a big fan of a consistent GUIs:

I am too.  The problem is the file browsing functionlity has been off the mount point since the beginning.  So everybody is used to it.  UD also has an issue with GUI real estate.  It is difficult to cram more onto the single line of the disk devices.  I've been trying to get things off the line so the display doesn't go off the right side when a page is shrunk.

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51 minutes ago, Marvin51 said:

Sorry, I don't know what a Feature Request is but if it helps me, please do it.


I have since formatted the drive with Unraid and now it only has one partition. But spin down still doesn't work.


If you can't spin it down manually with the orb next to the 'Backup' text, the drive doesn't spin down.  Some USB drives won't spin down.


You can always detach the drive and power it down.

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3 hours ago, hawihoney said:

Yes, that's true. I encourage users to use the help page always.

Please keep doing that.  I answer questions all the time that can be answered by reading the help.  Actually, I think users could get their answers faster by reading the help and the first two posts of the UD forum.

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I noticed that the post was taken over to discuss other things. Still there was something good about it, I got a list of the icons and their meanings.
Nevertheless, my actual problem has not been resolved. The disk does not shut down, neither after a time nor manually. So I still need support.

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55 minutes ago, Marvin51 said:

The disk does not shut down


Also eine von drei Disks, angebunden über Unassigned Devices, wird nicht heruntergefahren. Das kann mehrere Ursachen haben:


1.) Eine Programm, Dienst, Skript verhindert das durch sporadische Zugriffe


2.) Die Platte kann das nicht - warum auch immer


3.) Die Anbindung lässt das nicht zu (verschiedene USB Chips)


Versuch doch noch mal ob Du die Platte manuell "unmounten" kannst.


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Ein Script oder Dienst habe ich nicht zu laufen, zumindest habe ich so etwas nicht gestartet. Wo kann ich da nachsehen?


Alle 3 Platten hängen an einem HUB. Damit fallen verschiedene USB Chips in meinem PC aus.


Wenn ich sie an meinem WIN-PC betreibe, wird sie bei inaktivität abgeschaltet, die Platte kann das also.


Mount und Dismount funktioniert, nur das manuelle Spin Down nicht. Wenn ich auf die grüne Kugel drücke erscheinen zwei rotierende Pfeile. Nach einer Weile erscheint dann wieder die Kugel.


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12 minutes ago, Marvin51 said:

Ein Script oder Dienst habe ich nicht zu laufen, zumindest habe ich so etwas nicht gestartet. Wo kann ich da nachsehen?


Alle 3 Platten hängen an einem HUB. Damit fallen verschiedene USB Chips in meinem PC aus.


Wenn ich sie an meinem WIN-PC betreibe, wird sie bei inaktivität abgeschaltet, die Platte kann das also.


Dann kann ich nicht helfen. Vielleicht mal mit lsof nach offenen Files suchen ...


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3 hours ago, jj1987 said:

Aber sind es auch alles identische Modelle? Einige USB-SATA Chips geben das spindown Kommando glaube ich auch nicht weiter 

Die Platten sind unterschiedliche Modelle. Sind zwar alle von Toshiba aber verschiedene Größen.

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