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Disk Replacement Issue

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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16 hours ago, Goreliann said:

didn't hear from anyone

Since it was 2 weeks later, we were all probably working on other threads we had been helping on more recently, and hadn't had a chance to look at your new posts on this older thread. In particular, I didn't have much time for the forum yesterday.


RAID controllers are not recommended for many reasons, including these exact problems you encountered when you changed controllers.


Since you had to New Config, you can't rebuild anything except parity.


Did you assign the original disk4?


Attach Diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread.



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I figured people were busy so I just tried some research of my own while I was waiting. So far everything seems to be ok. I assigned the original Disk 4 and all seems to be running through parity-sync with no issues. I've got a similar circumstance to one I had earlier in this thread where one of my folders was empty while parity was rebuilding, but last time that sorted itself out once the sync was complete so until then, I'm not worried. This may be using a RAID controller, but it's functioning more as a SATA splitter than any actual RAID control. So far all seems good. I'll know more once the sync is complete. If that all works then I'll be looking to add Disk 1 to expand the array since Disk 4 now seems to be working properly. I see no errors or warnings. Here's a diagnostics in the meantime. Sync should finish in another 12 hours. 16TB parity drive. Oy vey. 


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2 hours ago, Goreliann said:

I've got a similar circumstance to one I had earlier in this thread where one of my folders was empty while parity was rebuilding, but last time that sorted itself out once the sync was complete so until then, I'm not worried

No reason for sync to have that effect, and no reason to expect it to. Parity sync has nothing to do with your files and folders, it is all just bits as far as parity is concerned, and sync has no effect on your data disks.

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17 hours ago, trurl said:

Since you did New Config instead of rebuilding disk4, any files written to the emulated disk4 were lost.

Except that they're not. Once the sync was completed, I rebooted the system, started in maintenance mode, ran a filesystem check/repair on Disk 4 (which failed again like last time this happened), restarted the array normally, and all the files are back now. I don't explain it because I'd agree that sync has nothing to do with missing folder contents (even though the folder itself is there). All I know is that this is twice now that this process has worked so I don't know what's going on. Everything seems to be working properly now. Go figure.


Here's a diagnostic. Maybe you can figure it out.


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The linux 'file' command might be able to tell you what kind of data is in each file, then you can try to open it with an appropriate application to see if you can identify it.


If you drill down into those folders you might find some things that still have the correct names.


You can move them to their correct folder on disk4. Each user share with files on disk4 will have a top level folder named for the share.


Looks like the only user share you have besides the defaults and that newly created lost+found share is

M---a                             shareUseCache="no"      # Share exists on disk2, disk3, disk4, disk5, disk6, disk7

I'm guessing that is Media.

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1 minute ago, Goreliann said:

So I can terminal command copy these to their proper folders? Do I have to do it that way or will a Windows samba connection work?

Any method you like.   If doing it via Windows you might first need to run Tools->New Permissions on the Lost+Found share to ensure the permissions are correct for doing this over the network.  If you want to do it locally on the Unraid server then the Dynamix File Manager can be used.

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I have no idea what it's actually called. I just explore the files on the Main screen. Either way, I used the Terminal to copy everything to where I can manage the files via Windows. I seem to have figured it out. I've also found there's a lot more missing than just what's in the lost and found, but again, comparatively little so I can live with that. I'll just go about replacing it all. Thanks for all your help.

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