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Unraid unresponsive/hanging frequently

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I'm having an issue where everything on unraid becomes inaccessible. I cannot log into the dashboard, shares, or any docker apps. I have to manually shut down the power and restart in order to do anything on it. Its starting to happen a couple times a week and I cannot figure out what is going on. Could someone help me go over the logs and diagnostics?


In the logs:

On Jan. 30, I restarted it at 00:27

On Feb. 2, I restarted it again at 10:58





Edited by CatchaFlight
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I'm still having random and crashes and cannot understand the logs. Could someone please help me? I had the latest restart at 13:30 02/11. I attached pics of what my logs show happening right before my reboot in the spoilers for a quick view. I don't understand why docker0 ports enter disabled states and what the "exploit attempts?" mean. Ipv6 is disabled in the system and shouldn't even be showing. 


I also attached the latest diagnostics file.











Edited by CatchaFlight
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I won't hijack this thread completely cause I'll be making a new one, but I'm having the exact same symptoms as this also. Sometimes server needs rebooting hours later, but longest I've had it stable is just shy of 7 days.


However my syslog logs simply point at nothing.

Edited by xreyuk
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