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Server Unresponsive

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Unfortunately there's nothing relevant logged, this usually points to a hardware issue, one thing you can try is to boot the server in safe mode with all docker containers/VMs disabled, let it run as a basic NAS for a few days, if it still crashes it's likely a hardware problem, if it doesn't start turning on the other services one by one.

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11 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Unfortunately there's nothing relevant logged, this usually points to a hardware issue, one thing you can try is to boot the server in safe mode with all docker containers/VMs disabled, let it run as a basic NAS for a few days, if it still crashes it's likely a hardware problem, if it doesn't start turning on the other services one by one.

I'm starting to believe you are correct.  I initially ran this box with a Supermicro x9scl mobo and cpu and it ran perfect.  It just couldn't handle transcoding and the mobo didn't have a slot for a gpu card.  I upgraded the mobo to the Supermicro x11ssh-f and the cpu to the xeon e3-1285v6.  Ram went from 32 to 64.  All drives, psu, cooling, case stayed thee same.  

I started having failures.  I changed the ram and still same issue.  I changed the mobo and same issue.  I changed the psu from 600 80+ white to 850 80+ gold.  I added liquid cooling.  I added a Tesla P4.  Nothing has eliminated the problem.  The only thing left is the CPU.  I am waiting for a xeon e3-1270v6 to arrive in a few days.  I'll swap it out and see if that helps.  If not then I'm at a total loss as to what could be causing it!  Could it be bios related?  I have BMC connected, but don't have the password, so I will need to reset it via the jumper? Then I can review it on a remote pc.  I have link aggregation connected from the mobo to my ASUS GT-AC5300 router.  I literally have no idea what else to try?!

I have the syslog going to root on the flash drive, but nothing seems to stand out to you or others...

Do you think it could just be a bad CPU?!

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12 hours ago, GatorMB said:

 I have link aggregation connected from the mobo to my ASUS GT-AC5300 router.

Have you tried with just one cable? Are you connected to the correct ports? Apparently only 2 specific ports on that router support aggregation.


Doubt it would cause what you are seeing, just grasping at straws.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning!  Here is the update...

Server is 100% stable.  It has not crashed at all since the cpu was swapped out.  However, I did find another issue.  The Nvidia Tesla P4 GPU gets super hot when transcoding 3 files in tdarr.  I have disabled the tdarr container and it runs stable.   I have ordered a fan for the GPU to help cool it.  More to follow on the success of that!  Again, huge thanks to JorgeB & JonathanM for all your help!

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