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Existing drive becomes unmountable after adding new drive to array

Go to solution Solved by dromeiro,

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Hey Everyone,

About a month and a half ago, I tried adding a new drive to my array. I followed the process outlined HERE from the Unraid Documentation Guide and upon starting up my array after adding the new disk, my existing Disk 2 went unmountable with the reason showing as Unsupported or no file system. I immediately stopped the array, shut everything down, took the new drive out of the array, and then turned the system back on and started my array again but my Disk 2 was still showing as unmountable. I was able to run the xfs_repair to fix the file system but some of the data that had been on the drive was lost. I finally got the disk back to normal with the data that was lost, but I still want to add the new drive to the array however I am nervous about going through the whole process of fixing the dive and losing data again.


I currently have 3 Drives (1 4TB Parity Disk and 2 4TB Data Disk) in a 5 Bay Enclosure and as far as I can tell everything is working perfect with them now, I only run into issues when I am trying to add this new disk (same exact 4TB Disk as the others). My system and setup is also new, with all brand new drives and equipment setup this past December. Of course, back when the issue happened, I was so frantic to get my data back that I never gabbed a Diagnostic report from the event. I am hoping someone can give some pointers or explain why I may be running into this issue so I can try to add the new disk again hopefully successfully this time. Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated!


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You want to look carefully at the Power Supply.  Check the ratings very carefully.  (For servers, a single +12V rail is preferred.  Amperage on that +12V should 2.5A to 3A per hard drive...)  Being new does not remove that PS from being flaky.  (A few back, I had a brand new replacement PS that only lasted a week before it started acting flaky!  Being the only thing that had been changed recently made troubleshooting easier.)

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21 hours ago, dromeiro said:

I currently have 3 Drives (1 4TB Parity Disk and 2 4TB Data Disk) in a 5 Bay Enclosure

If that enclosure does not have 1 SATA data cable per drive going to the motherboard or an SAS cable to a HBA, you are probably going to have continual problems using it.


You didn't give us much to go on for troubleshooting, diagnostics would have been helpful, so these guesses are pretty much shots in the dark.

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  • Solution

Thank you all for your suggestions and insight. I went ahead and tried to add the new drive again only this time I noticed that after I added the drive, the read order in which each bay/drive within the enclosure changes. Once I moved the drives around to the new bay reading as that drives individual disk in unraid, I was able to start my array again with no issues and complete the pre-clear on the new drive I added.

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