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disk status "Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system" after an unclean shutdown

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Good day to you.


i'm not an english speaker, and never realy use linux i must precise that before i start.


So yesterday and i don't know why i lost for a second the electricty, i didn't even see that but both my computer and my unraid restart.

After that, one of my plex media hard drive show as "Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system"

I follow two topic and the unraid manual and try to repaire it with the xfs_repair -n but it run over the night and read over 22.000.000 what ever the unit is, and i decide tu stop it and try to ask help (as the manual say ^^).

I know this is not very important data, its only for plex but 12to is a lot.

So here i am....please help me.

This is the diag.

And if i'm doing something wrong or missing something telle me everything.

Thank you.



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Posted (edited)

Thank you for the reply.

Is this what you need?

i am still in mainenance mode.



i start another xfs_repair on the terminal page this time, it was super slow on the hdd page to see.

Edited by Pimche
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Posted (edited)

On the webUI the first try i just click on the check button, with the -n on the box.

At this moment i was able to see the hard drive reading something on the main page. but into the cheking status windows, under "Phase 1 - find and verify superblock... bad primary superblock - bad magic number !!! attempting to find secondary superblock..."

Only point was writen. and after some hour, it was kind of slow, and even some button disappear like it was glitchy to show all the dot.

And now i use on the terminal this time the "xfs_repair -n /dev/sdh" (i copy/past it, from another topic, i just change the name of the hdd, in my case it is the sdh i have a problem with)

It run again but my terminal only show lot and lot and lot of dot....but the hdd on the main page, didn't "read" something this time.

Edited by Pimche
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2 hours ago, Pimche said:

xfs_repair -n /dev/sdh

This is the wrong command. You have to specify the partition also.


Assuming sdh is the correct disk, the command would be

xfs_repair -n /dev/sdh1


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Good, thank you, i let it run until...something good happen i hope and i let you know if i got anything.

I am not sure to understand why i should select the partition.

I use this disk for storage, he is alone in the pool.

I this something that unraid do when i put the disk for the first time? it create the "dev" partition and anything else?

If this is too long to explain for you don't bother.

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The device name can vary according to the Unraid release, and whether encryption is in use (and always includes the partition number).  You should always run the check filesystem from the GUI so that Unraid inserts the correct device name.


however your previous attempt from the GUI makes it look as if the partition table on the drive may have been lost.   I suggest you post the output of

fdisk -l /dev/sdh

(assuming the drive is still that one) so we can see the partition information.

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i think i understant.

So here the result for the fdisk -l /dev/sdh


fdisk -l /dev/sdh
Disk /dev/sdh: 10.91 TiB, 12000138625024 bytes, 23437770752 sectors
Disk model: ST12000NM0127   
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 75342285-4307-4D0B-B776-42B73DA6E9FD

Device     Start         End     Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sdh1     64 23437770718 23437770655 10.9T Linux filesystem


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i let it run all the night and the sxf_repair -n finish with "............................................................................................................................................................Sorry, could not find valid secondary superblock
Exiting now."


48 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Post the output of



Thank you for the reply, should i stay in maintenance mode? (if yes here the result)


/dev/sdb1: LABEL_FATBOOT="UNRAID" LABEL="UNRAID" UUID="8C09-F088" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="7652be63-01"
/dev/sda1: UUID="e81065be-3d8c-472c-bb9d-fb3f75f8ab49" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sdf1: LABEL="vault" UUID="2359975039589267301" UUID_SUB="7316306948520351044" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="zfs_member" PARTUUID="151572ec-260a-4511-a733-0c42e2b35e27"
/dev/sdd1: LABEL="vault" UUID="2359975039589267301" UUID_SUB="3641995157815460059" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="zfs_member" PARTUUID="1c6863ec-0cc5-4ee4-a63a-b1cd25855fcb"
/dev/sdi1: LABEL="dockernshit" UUID="15501961814176301661" UUID_SUB="1090421879665586030" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="zfs_member"
/dev/md1p1: UUID="e81065be-3d8c-472c-bb9d-fb3f75f8ab49" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs"
/dev/sdg1: UUID="1762e3d8-08d2-486f-abfe-bc9e0929163e" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="xfs" PARTUUID="6683bde0-a821-4ce3-b7a3-88647d03ad40"
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sde1: LABEL="vault" UUID="2359975039589267301" UUID_SUB="66249137583253894" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="zfs_member" PARTUUID="153c7372-8150-4dd4-b37f-d58149fb2360"
/dev/sdc1: LABEL="vault" UUID="2359975039589267301" UUID_SUB="18101248871428392101" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="zfs_member" PARTUUID="13fc6355-4711-436a-8eb9-67c2d7abd569"
/dev/sdj1: LABEL="dockernshit" UUID="15501961814176301661" UUID_SUB="7755549404293351727" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="zfs_member"
/dev/sdh1: UUID="8ea19b6f-816e-4b9d-b742-2a3712740ee0" UUID_SUB="8a69b12f-fbe2-4f38-8e96-c9286475160b" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="btrfs" PARTUUID="2b241b4b-bf05-4b32-87cb-785d07fcf51a"

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