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Reported Uncorrect - Advice on approach please

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I couldn't find much on the forum for my exact situation and would appreciate any advice on how to approach. The consensus i did find that this drive should be replaced as the errors are coming back after acknowledging them.


I ordered a new 8TB EXOS and was hoping to switch my parity drive (4TB) with the new 8TB EXOS, and then use my old parity WD 4TB as part of the array. Then leave the failing drive in the array till it goes out completely.


My dilemma is i am not sure sure how to go about replacing the old parity drive and rebuilding the array. My options i figured are below:


  1. Remove the old parity drive, insert new one, and rebuild parity. Then insert old parity as party of array and off i go. However, I don't want to risk rebuilding an array with a risking drive, and making a bad parity. I am not too sure how risky it is, am i overthinking it?
  2. Buy two HDD to replace both. Insert new HDD1, use unbalance to move data over from failing drive, remove failing drive, rebuild parity. Then remove old parity drive, insert new HDD2, rebuild parity, and then insert old parity as Array.



I feel like i am overthinking this now haha. Would greatly appreciate any guidance!









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11 hours ago, IaMs12 said:

Then leave the failing drive in the array till it goes out completely.


A flaky drive shouldn't be used in the array, as each disk is needed to rebuild it if another drive should bow out. If you're only running 1 parity, and you want to increase its size, I'd go with adding a new parity drive, rebuilding parity, then replace the failing disk. And do it all in maintenance mode to preserve parity if it goes south - so you can re-add the old parity drive and re-build the array.


In any case, 1 error would lead me to toss the drive, just isn't worth it.

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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

That error can be OK, unless it's constantly increasing, if it's not, run an extended SMART test to confirm the disk is OK.

It has been going up slowly, however it has passed the extended SMART test. I wasn't too sure how much of an issue the error can pose if i should do a Parity replacement vs. Parity Swap scenario. Sounds like the error isn't progressed to a point where either scenario shouldn't matter. Seems like its early enough just replace it/have contingent HDD with upgraded Parity installed before it does.


2 hours ago, Michael_P said:


 And do it all in maintenance mode to preserve parity if it goes south - so you can re-add the old parity drive and re-build the array.


In any case, 1 error would lead me to toss the drive, just isn't worth it.

Thats a good point, do it in maintenance mode to ensure no changes in the parity. And I think ill remove it and work on trying to get warranty as i think i might still be in the window barely.

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