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WIN11 VM for Editing and Games = ISSUES. Might wanna drop your experience?

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While Videoediting, footage is running away after playing start and pause.

With TS Doctor, to Edit recorded TV Shows of my Set Top Box, playing Pause/Start, footage runs away and cannot make a precise cute = skipping frames ends in standing image with 500ms of not moving. = Latency Issue?

General not responsive, even after config changes. (Increasing Bandwidth)

Gaming is laggy, even with low demanding Games at HD Settings with GTX 960.

Parsec :

Lags, drifting mouse and it feels like it is running at 10 FPS.

CPU at MAX 75%

GPU at MAX 70%

EDIT #1: GPU Encode is between 40-70% usage. 

Nothing seems to throttle, there’s no indication that CPU or GPU are a Factor here.

Bandwidth edited to 100 instead of 50, encoder set to 64 which is Highest Quality.

Desktop / Display still look a little „blurry“.

VDISK issue maybe?

In general, through Parsec, it feels a little less responsive then through VNC




UnRaid VM:

8 7252 EPYC Cores, Host Passthrough

MB: Supermicro H12SSL-NT

16GB (16384MB) RAM

Hyper-V OFF



3.0 qemu

Primary VDISK Location: Manual, VirtIO, 200G, (Location is a single NVME 2TB)

Said NVME: KIOXIA 2TB Gen 4 on an ASUS Hyper M.2 Card (All GEN 4 and Bifurcation enabled)

GTX 960 Passthrough with VFIO

Netwotk: br1 with virtio




WIN11 Images made with NTLite, removed a lot of bloat and did some tuning, however, I’ve been running the same image on two different machines with NO issues. Mind you, without parsec.



VDISK Issue? Passingthrough a single NVME for direct and only storage for WIN11?

Configuration Issue? Wrong Settings, both on WIN11 and UnRAID? Parsec maybe too?

Parsec just being shit?


In general, I don’t think that the Hardware is the issue here. Except for one small thing: The CPU, EPYC 7252, is a „special one“ since it is only 8 cores and effectively only 4 Memory Channels. Could it be the case that there’s simply not enough bandwidth in terms of System Memory available to have sufficient performance?



So this it the write up of the current state of these issues, with said VM and Parsec. Before the current WIN11 Image, I tested like 6 different ones before this one was stable. From my Point of view, I think Parsec might be the issue but also why is it so? 
Diagnostics are attached. 

Thanks in Advance,

Cheers - Alex' 

Edited by deltaexray
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He y'all, 

Thank you for the reply's. 

As a quick update: Double checked that it isn't Parsec what it makes to "laggy" and it's the same with RealVNC / VNC Connection through UnRaid. 


On 7/26/2024 at 12:55 AM, Kilrah said:

Do you have a monitor plugged to the GPU? If not try one, if it runs better you may need a dummy plug.

No, there is no monitor connected - There is, however, a HDMI Dummy plug plugged into the GPU. Already checked if resolution is the problem, problems present themselves regardless of 2560x1440 or 1920x1080. 



On 7/26/2024 at 1:00 AM, JonathanM said:

How many (and which) cores do you have dedicated to the VM? Keep in mind that the host needs resources (CPU and RAM) to supply I/O and system emulation.

That is actually a very good suggestion: I'll check right away and see if the 50/50 Split, so 4 cores for VM and 4 cores for UnRaid isn't a great split. 


EDIT #1: Nope, it's even worse with less than 4 Cores for the VM and more for UnRaid. Stil, it wouldn't surprise me if it the CPU itself, since it is one of the lowest EPYC's you can get. 
I might try to add a monitor directly to see if it is the video all the together that causes all of this. 

EDIT #2: With a monitor directly connected to the GPU, it's sort of the same experience, just a bit faster given it is not a networked connection. However, it has the same "running away" issue while editing. So I'm moving the VM on a passthrough SSD to let it have its own device. 


Edited by deltaexray
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