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UnMenu vs Simple Features? Differences?

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Hi Everyone,


I've been an UnMenu user for a few years now - and I'm linux educated, so I like the UnRaid GUIs...  And I just learned of SimpleFeatures, and I understand it's quite possible to run both - but I struggle to get any add-ons installed...


Can you guys educate me - what are the main differences between them?





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Simplefeatures is essentially a skin for the standard unraid webgui. It has grown to be much more now, with a log viewer, email notifications, graphed CPU and memory usage, a streaming list to show what files are being served + the option to kill the stream.


You should check it out! It's as simple as dropping the files in the appropriate folder and reboot.


Sent from my HTC Vivid

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Well, in your case..since you are looking for Crashplan primarily <after the basic notifications> I'd go with SimpleFeatures. Eventually there will be plugin manager as well which won't require the user to move any files. Everything else you are looking for is duplicated.


They both provide similar functionality. The primary packages for unMENU have proven to work in a variety of setups. The base SimpleFeatures and associated plugins work equally well. <except the crontab error>. I haven't looked at the Crashplan plugin, but I'd suspect it is more likely to be "up to date".


Start with the stock go script

# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


Add the base SimpleFeatures with the plugins you like from http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=12698.0, boot unRAID; review the Crashplan plugin thread, ask questions...and add that plugin.


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I use both. I continue to use unMenu for it's reliability. While Simplefeatures is a huge step for the 5.x GUI and plugin system, it is still dependent on a subsystem that is in flux - the beta platform. Consequently I run into problems from time to time with plugins as I upgrade to the latest version. UnMenu, for its part, runs silently and independently, and the packages for it have been well vetted. Case in point is SABnzbd for unMenu vs the current plugin. The unMenu version works great without issue, while the plugin is still buggy. Since Crashplan was such a PITA to set up initially, now that I have it working I have no desire to revisit it as a plugin until 5.x is out of beta and the management system is hardened and bulletproofed. I do, however, use the Crashplan GUI that simply monitors the existing Crashplan install as written by Boof for 4.x.

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I use SimpleFeatures for the Crashplan monitor and it works very well.  I had a lot of problems with persistance of Crashplan using Boof's procedure (probably something I did or didn't do).  The only problem I run into is that the Crashplan PID doesn't always automaticly shutdown when I shutdown unRAID, I use unMENU to do a clean powerdown in those situations.

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