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I tried to start it 3 more times but each time I got the same result. I then looked at the memtest file in the latest RC6 download and noticed it was larger than the one on my flash drive so I copied that over as I assumed it was a newer version. WHen I ran it again it was still saying 4.10 so I guess its not updated.


2 more attempts failed to run.


Would bad RAM stop the test from running or is it something else?

Have you tried running it with only 1 stick of RAM? I've run into motherboards that had problems running memtest on 2 modules at once.
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You need to use Memtest v4.20 - it is good idea to have this updated in the Unraid package too as the change-log states:


    *** Enhancements in v4.20 : ***


        New Features

            Added failsafe mode (press F1 at startup)

            Added support for Intel "Sandy Bridge" CPU

            Added support for AMD "fusion" CPU

            Added Coreboot "table forward" support

        Bug Fixes

            Corrected some memory brands not detected properly

            Various bug fixes


PS. After reading the Unraid own change-log it appears that memtest 4.20 is used since RC1 - ???

I suggest to ask some PC-savvy friend to take look at your server - something is wrong.


Prepare another flash drive and try the memtest only.

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memtest 4.2 is now running.


2.5 hours and no errors. How long should I run it for?


The drive rebuild completed successfully and the problpem drive is now removed. What tests or steps can I do to check if there is a problem with the drive rather than another part of the server? Im happy to return the drive but only if it is infact damaged. Considering Ive had several drives get red dots and continue to work perfectly im not convinced this one is damaged.

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memtest 4.2 is now running.


2.5 hours and no errors. How long should I run it for?


The drive rebuild completed successfully and the problpem drive is now removed. What tests or steps can I do to check if there is a problem with the drive rather than another part of the server? Im happy to return the drive but only if it is infact damaged. Considering Ive had several drives get red dots and continue to work perfectly im not convinced this one is damaged.

Memtest should probably be run for 24 hours if you can stand it.


I'd run several preclear cycles on the drive, and check the smart reports carefully after preclear completes to see if the drive is worth using.

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