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Trnsferring lots of data from QNAP NAS to Unraid

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I used to use rsync with the scheduling app on the QNAP.  However, in the recent firmware updates for the TS-859 Pro, it no longer allows you to specify a path directly.  Not sure if this would be the case with all models however.

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Assuming you have an intermediate PC you can use, I'd simply set up backup profiles using a good synchronization utility => SyncBack, SyncToy, Replicator, etc.


This will work fine regardless of whether you're looking at a one-time copy of all the data;  or a periodically updated synchronization.    If the latter, you can set a scheduled task to keep it update on a regular basis.


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  • 5 years later...
On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 5:38 AM, etsi said:

Is there any good sync util for linux like SyncBack ? Otherwise an option would be to run SyncBack it from a VM ? 


There are some Linux synchronization utilities, but I still prefer SyncBack.   I'd simply run that from a Windows VM.   

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