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Looking for - sequential copy/move explorer replacement


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I often move many files onto my unRAID but since they go in specific folders i have to instigate many move commands. The problem with this is you end up with a dozen or more simultaneous moves. This chokes unRAID.


Does anyone know an explorer replacement that will move/copy files sequentially so that only one actual trnasfer is happeing at one time time the queue can grow?



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I created a pluging to unmenu to easily move files around, and have been using it for a while. It does not currently allow you to do them sequentially, but I had designed it with that in mind for my own needs.  Let me see if I can add that and post.  It will probably be next week sometime.


I will send privately to you for testing.  If anyone else routinely (manually) copies around their array with MC or command line and is interested, please let me know and I will send the initial version to you as well (up to 3 people total).


Once it seems to be working, I will post for general consumption.

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I created a pluging to unmenu to easily move files around, and have been using it for a while. It does not currently allow you to do them sequentially, but I had designed it with that in mind for my own needs.  Let me see if I can add that and post.  It will probably be next week sometime.


I will send privately to you for testing.  If anyone else routinely (manually) copies around their array with MC or command line and is interested, please let me know and I will send the initial version to you as well (up to 3 people total).


Once it seems to be working, I will post for general consumption.


I would love to try it out for you... I had originally been trying to setup the vsftpd server on the unraid for this purpose (creating a queue in a ftp client and letting it run), but in the end for a variety of reasons, I didn't like that solution.  This sounds like a great tool for the unmenu community.




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I routinely use my staging(cache) drive to store files that I want to later move onto the array.  That is sort of the basis.


But the tool is very flexible in selecting to and from locations.


If your files are on a Windows workstation, you could likely share them to the unRAID server, and access them through my tool.  But if you are looking for a tool to run under Windows, that is not what this is.


The beauty from my perspective is that the files are moved overnight and does not require that I keep my Windows workstation running.  It all happens on the unRAID box.

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It definitely sounds like an excellent tool but unfortunately im looking for direct move from windows sequentially to unRAID for immediate access once complete to catalog it.


Anyone know of a windows tool?


FTP as I mentioned above... once you have vsftpd set-up, you can use an ftp client on your windows machine to connect to the unraid server, you can then queue up all your transfers to all the various folders and once they are set up, let it run through the queue one file at a time.




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FTP as I mentioned above... once you have vsftpd set-up, you can use an ftp client on your windows machine to connect to the unraid server, you can then queue up all your transfers to all the various folders and once they are set up, let it run through the queue one file at a time.





I agree, that FTP might be a good choice. I believe there are clients that  can.


1. Throttle the throughput so that it does not choke the buffer cache. (I set my transfers to around 6-8MB/s)

2. Schedule the transfer.


Filezilla comes to mind for option 1.

Cute FTP comes to mind for option 2. (and I believe it did option 1 also)

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There's actually TeraCopy for Windows but it choked when I had a 50GB queue to unRAID. When I went back to the computer, it's already stopped copying and the unRAID disks were spun down. Tried copying via regular Windows Explorer and it went without a hitch.


I've forgotten unRAID even had its own built-in ftp server (at least as of 4.3.3). I think I'll use that next time I need to copy a bunch of files. Quick question, do you know where I could find the option in FileZilla to retain the modified date/timestamp of the original file when uploading?

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Excellent ideas will experiment with both and report back

For FTP,


I had all kinds of trouble with file permissions on the unraid server... you might need to mess with the vsftp.conf in /etc/ (i believe) and the umask values in it.


You may also need to change the permissions of the files on your server... I couldn't get everything working 100%.. I got it so I could see my files but couldn't upload or download them.. just browse them... I gave up on it because I figured out how I had errored in my split level settings and that solved the issues for my situation.  I always meant to come back to it, just haven't yet. 


If you do get it sorted out, please share.


Wish I could help you out more,


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I use Total Commander for all of my copying and comparing needs, hundreds of gigabytes at a time, from a queue.  TC lets you copy directly, like any other copy tool, or directly but in the background, or put into a copy/move queue, that proceeds one copy at a time.  It also has throttling, which I use a lot, to keep from slowing my own use of the computer.  I will often select a number of files, queue them up, then select another group of files from a different source and going to a different destination, and add them to the queue, and continue selecting more batches the same way.  Then minimize the window and carry on with normal use of the computer, while all of the varying copies proceed in the background, one at a time.


Edit:  like most proficient old DOS users, I cannot even imagine using Windows Explorer, for anything.  It has always seemed so brain-dead.  Anyone who has used a 2 pane file management tool (like MC), cannot go back to an Explorer-type interface (in my opinion).

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Edit:  like most proficient old DOS users, I cannot even imagine using Windows Explorer, for anything.  It has always seemed so brain-dead.  Anyone who has used a 2 pane file management tool (like MC), cannot go back to an Explorer-type interface (in my opinion).


I actually use explorer for browsing all the time.  heh.

I usually just open two explorer windows  Mark, CTRL-X  Alt-TAB  CTRL-V


I do think the total commander is nice. I've used this tool in the past.


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Anyone who has used a 2 pane file management tool (like MC), cannot go back to an Explorer-type interface (in my opinion).


So true. I've used the freeware program 2xExplorer since Windows 98. Still haven't replaced it despite the lack of unicode support. The batch file creation is a boon.

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First impressions of Copy handler is that its spot on an a nice companion to windows users and unRAID. Shows basic stats that stay available until you tell em not to be. Sequential file transfer and  pause resume.


Will experiment more but so far we have a winner. !

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

For an Explorer substitute I use Directory Opus and highly recommend you check it out. It's commercial, but so worth it.




As for copying/moving files, you have to try Rich Copy. It's multi-threaded, but you can configure how many threads it uses. You can configure how you want it to move/copy files (only if they don't exist, if they have been changed, etc...) This tool is free, its one of those Microsoft developer tools released to the public.


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