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help with disk errors

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Got a disk error and tried to follow the Troubleshooting Guide. It says to check parity as soon as possible. The problem is that I don't have an option to run a parity check. I thought this was on the main menu of the GUI, but it's not.





Originally the drive just had a red ball and a note of 3 errors. Now the drive shows not installed. Attached a log but I don't think it shows anything.


Not sure what to do?


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If you have access to the simulated data then you could move it off to spare space on your array.  Then once you have the simulated drive empty just run a newconfig and reassign all drives except the failed drive.  That will reduce your capacity by 3TB.  Another option if the drive isn't completely dead is to rebuild the drive onto itself.  I've done both before but usually I just rebuild onto my spare.  That does require that you can still access the data on the missing drive but that seems possible based on what I see in your graphic.



Once you get your data back you really should get a spare drive.  It can be a cold spare like I have or use it as a hot spare/cache drive.  That way you can rebuild right away and don't have to run degraded until you get the drive replaced or the data moved.  The spare needs to be as big as your parity drive to be a useful spare because then you can replace ANY drive that goes bad.

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Can I just rebuild the data without replacing the drive? I know capacity will be reduced by 3TB, but right now I don't have another drive.

The data is being generated by all your other drives + the parity drive, so that is why there is no parity check button. If you have another drive failure right now, you will lose the data on both the missing drives, so I wouldn't waste too much time getting this resolved. If you copy the data from the failed drive slot to another working drive, you can set a new config and remove the failed drive from the array. If you don't copy the data before setting a new config, you will lose EVERYTHING that was on that drive.


The quickest way I can think of to copy everything off of that drive is to use MC at a telnet or console prompt. Navigate to /mnt/disk3 in the left pane, and /mnt/disk9 in the other pane, highlight everything on the disk3 side with the insert key, and hit F5. Use the tab key to switch between panes.

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Can I just rebuild the data without replacing the drive? I know capacity will be reduced by 3TB, but right now I don't have another drive.

The data is being generated by all your other drives + the parity drive, so that is why there is no parity check button. If you have another drive failure right now, you will lose the data on both the missing drives, so I wouldn't waste too much time getting this resolved. If you copy the data from the failed drive slot to another working drive, you can set a new config and remove the failed drive from the array. If you don't copy the data before setting a new config, you will lose EVERYTHING that was on that drive.


The quickest way I can think of to copy everything off of that drive is to use MC at a telnet or console prompt. Navigate to /mnt/disk3 in the left pane, and /mnt/disk9 in the other pane, highlight everything on the disk3 side with the insert key, and hit F5. Use the tab key to switch between panes.

I'm a total noob at this so I'll need a little more detail. What is MC?



Found mc but not the slightest idea how to navigate to disk 3.



Edit: In the interest of saving a little time I just telneted in and ran

cp -r /mnt/disk3 /mnt/disk9




How do I know when it's done? What next?

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I can see already that I made at least one mistake here by copying the entire file structure of disk3 to disk9 instead of just the movie files. Should I use something like this to fix it-

cp -r -v -p /mnt/disk9/disk3/Media/XBMC/Movies/* /mnt/disk9/Media/XBMC/Movies | todos > /boot/disk1copy.txt

The file structure for the share is Media/XBMC/Movies/Individual Movie Folders

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Maybe I'm making correcting the file structure more complicated than it needs to be? Can I just share disk9 via SMB after all the data is transferred from the failed disk3 and then just drag the movies into the correct file structure? Then I could just delete the empty folders left over from disk3.

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Some point regarding your copying.


- If you add the -v parameter then you will get messages displayed as the files get copied.


- It is a good idea to use the -p parameter to keep permissions intact.  If you have not done so the owner of the copied files has probably changed and you will need to rerun the new permissions option to get them back to the normal settings.


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Some point regarding your copying.


- If you add the -v parameter then you will get messages displayed as the files get copied.


- It is a good idea to use the -p parameter to keep permissions intact.  If you have not done so the owner of the copied files has probably changed and you will need to rerun the new permissions option to get them back to the normal settings.


So what command should I have used, and what would you suggest for the best way to fix it now? I'm completely new to Linux and not much better at CLI. I understand what I've read fairly well, just haven't read very much.


Edit: the original copy is not complete yet but I copied not moved. Figured that was safer.

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mc is Midnight Commander.  Type mc from your Telnet/Putty session to look at it.  Just make sure you are using UTF-8 encodings or the mc screen will look very strange.  To change on Windows Telnet client from the command prompt is not obvious (at least to me) one way I found was to type "chcp 65001" before I telnet to my server.  Currently I use Putty because it is easier to configure things like this.  This post explains how http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=18157.msg162867#msg162867


As to how to arrange your files I cannot advise you on that (jonathanm might).  I don't use XBMC - at least not yet.

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mc is Midnight Commander.  Type mc from your Telnet/Putty session to look at it.  Just make sure you are using UTF-8 encodings or the mc screen will look very strange.  To change on Windows Telnet client from the command prompt is not obvious (at least to me) one way I found was to type "chcp 65001" before I telnet to my server.  Currently I use Putty because it is easier to configure things like this.  This post explains how http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=18157.msg162867#msg162867


As to how to arrange your files I cannot advise you on that (jonathanm might).  I don't use XBMC - at least not yet.

Actually I'm using Terminal on a Mac. Didn't have any trouble launching mc. Just couldn't figure out how to navigate through the menus.

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Thanks. I'll add this to my homework. Anyone have any ideas what I should do with the failed disk. Should I just trash it and get a new one? Is it just a bad sector that needs to be repaired and I can put it back into service? I'm fairly sure I can use Disk Utility to repair the disk. Just not sure if I should.

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I think you need to remove it to another system and try the free version of unRAID and get your smart report from there.  But maybe dgaschk has a better way.

That's not really an option. I don't have another unraid.

If you have another PC (even one in use for something else like a Windows desktop) that can boot from USB and you have another USB flash drive then you have another unRAID to do this on.  You can use the FREE version of unRAID to get a smart report from a drive.  But just powering down your machine may reset the drive so that it would no longer be "Not Installed" any more.  Then you could get the smart report without removing the drive.  I've got a Seagate drive that did that to me and has died again so will be RMA'd.
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I don't have any PC's vvvvv. I could probably install the drive in my MacPro but not sure if I could boot it into unraid and then if it did I wouldn't have a terminal to work from to get the SMART report. Isn't there some way to get my unraid server to mount the drive without it being assigned in the array?


Edit: I should pay more attention to what I'm reading. :) guess it's been a long day. I'll try rebooting and see what happens. Thanks.

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I don't have any PC's vvvvv. I could probably install the drive in my MacPro but not sure if I could boot it into unraid and then if it did I wouldn't have a terminal to work from to get the SMART report. Isn't there some way to get my unraid server to mount the drive without it being assigned in the array?

If your MacPro would boot to unRAID you could just copy the smart report to the USB flash drive.  Then boot back to Mac and look at the text file on the flash drive and post it. 


But as I said you can try to power down the unRAID server.  Turn it completely off.  Leave it that way for a little while so power is completely removed from the drive.  Then power back up.  The drive may come back.  Heck it could be back now but with a started array you won't see it. 


If you stop the array can you see the drive when selecting a drive for an empty slot?  If you don't and powering down doesn't bring it back then take it to your Mac and run a drive manufacturer's diagnostic on it.  That program may be able to provide a smart report as well.

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Some point regarding your copying.


- If you add the -v parameter then you will get messages displayed as the files get copied.


- It is a good idea to use the -p parameter to keep permissions intact.  If you have not done so the owner of the copied files has probably changed and you will need to rerun the new permissions option to get them back to the normal settings.


How can I check permissions and repair if needed? Do I need to delete the files I've transferred and start over using -p?

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How can I check permissions and repair if needed? Do I need to delete the files I've transferred and start over using -p?

Just run the new permissions utility from the GUI.  That works through all drives restting permissions to standard values.


An equivalent is to run the 'newperms' command from the telnet session,.  When doing it that way you can specify the path as a parameter (no parameters means all drives).  e.g.

newperms /mnt/disk9

to reset permissions for disk 9.


regarding the extra parameters to the copy command I normally run a command of the form

cp -prv source_path target_path

to get the cp command to run in verbose mode and to preserve permissions.

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How can I check permissions and repair if needed? Do I need to delete the files I've transferred and start over using -p?

Just run the new permissions utility from the GUI.  That works through all drives restting permissions to standard values.


An equivalent is to run the 'newperms' command from the telnet session,.  When doing it that way you can specify the path as a parameter (no parameters means all drives).  e.g.

newperms /mnt/disk9

to reset permissions for disk 9.


regarding the extra parameters to the copy command I normally run a command of the form

cp -prv source_path target_path

to get the cp command to run in verbose mode and to preserve permissions.

Thanks. Actually I guess I jumped the gun a little. Found rm -f so I'm just removing all the files I had transferred so far and plan to jus start over with cp -prv as you suggested. Is there an option to not copy the parent folder but just the contents? I want to copy the individual movies but not the Movies folder.

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