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Accessing unRAID via the OSX Finder it is very slow

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When accessing my unRAID Server via the OSX Finder it is very slow. Listing the directories takes ages until the Finder even crashes. I tried using two different macs and uninstalled all plugins on the unRAID server. When accessing it via FTP it is very fast. What may be the issue.

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That's probably just spin up of the drives, etc.

There's a script around called 'cache drives'. (search the forums).

It makes unRAID 'pre-read' the directories of your server and pre-load the directory tables into excess RAM on your unRAID server.  That allows directories to load almost instantly...individual files can still take some time to load. (again, drive spinup is the usual culprit for this.)


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  • 4 months later...

That's probably just spin up of the drives, etc.

There's a script around called 'cache drives'. (search the forums).

It makes unRAID 'pre-read' the directories of your server and pre-load the directory tables into excess RAM on your unRAID server.  That allows directories to load almost instantly...individual files can still take some time to load. (again, drive spinup is the usual culprit for this.)

The feature in reference here is cache dirs, not cache drives.  Just an FYI that a cache drive will not improve the time it takes for directory listings to appear.

I am already using cache drives. I may be an issue with my network as well... I never trust these Netgear routers.


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  • 4 months later...

Sorry, I forgot to reply on this topic... Recently I added another 3TB to my array and the problem got even worse. Sometimes it takes about five minutes to navigate four levels deep in my folder structure. This makes it basically unusable.


The feature in reference here is cache dirs, not cache drives.  Just an FYI that a cache drive will not improve the time it takes for directory listings to appear.


This was a typo. I am using cache dirs.


Mavericks has a problem reading Samba and AFS shares:  https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5500165?start=75&tstart=0


I think this is the right question. Is the issue with Mac OSX or with unRAID?

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Sorry, I forgot to reply on this topic... Recently I added another 3TB to my array and the problem got even worse. Sometimes it takes about five minutes to navigate four levels deep in my folder structure. This makes it basically unusable.


The feature in reference here is cache dirs, not cache drives.  Just an FYI that a cache drive will not improve the time it takes for directory listings to appear.


This was a typo. I am using cache dirs.


Mavericks has a problem reading Samba and AFS shares:  https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5500165?start=75&tstart=0


I think this is the right question. Is the issue with Mac OSX or with unRAID?

Do you have another device (non Mac) you could test with? 

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I had the same issue until I started using NFS instead of SMB/AFP to export my shares.


It made a huge difference for me, also file copies from the unRAID server to my Mac increased from 40MB/s to over 100MB/s.


To mount an exported share on OSX, from the Finder choose "Go/Connect to Server" then:



e.g. nfs://tower/mnt/user/movies

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  • 5 years later...
On 2/27/2015 at 9:24 AM, ThatDude said:

I had the same issue until I started using NFS instead of SMB/AFP to export my shares.


It made a huge difference for me, also file copies from the unRAID server to my Mac increased from 40MB/s to over 100MB/s.


To mount an exported share on OSX, from the Finder choose "Go/Connect to Server" then:




e.g. nfs://tower/mnt/user/movies



I have been suffering from slow transfers on my mac devices for years, I just found this post ... changed my share mappings on my mac's to use NFS instead of SMB and boom now I am saturating my gigabit LAN with 110MB/s from my unraid box to my mac devices.


Thanks so much! :)


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