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Super slow speed when writing to server

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For about a week know. I've been having super slow speeds when writing to UnRaid. I have a cache drive setup and I can see the files on the drive after it's written but I'm averaging between 14-20/MBs. Anyone have any possible idea why this may be? I'm running UnRaid 5.0.5 on An AMD A8 6600k processor.

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Unless your cache is an SSD or something there is no advantage to writing to cache if you don't have parity.


What exactly do you mean by writing? Are you copying files over the network? Maybe you have a network issue.


I have the cache mainly for the applications. The way the apps are set up, they  download the files to the cache and then mover transfers the files over.  When I say "writing" I mean copying files over. I don't think it's a network issue  because when I'm transfer files from UnRaid to my computer, there are no slow downs. Even when I copy from the cache to the drives. It writes super slow.


Could it possibly be with Unraid? I'm looking at my screen connected to unraid and it keeps saying "could not open input file plugins/webgui/etc..........

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Are you sure that your cache drive is set?


I could be wrong, but I see in your device inventory that you've got 8 hard drives, but only 7 of them are being imported.


Your 1TB WD (sdb) isn't being imported which I'm assuming is your cache drive.  In my syslog, I get this line when it's importing the cache drive:


emhttp: import 24 cache device: sdk


Like I said I could be wrong, especially since I'm not running 5.x anymore and maybe the lines don't show up in its syslog



EDIT:  Nevermind...  I just noticed it importing.  Looks like the logging differs from 5.x to 6

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Are you sure that your cache drive is set?


I could be wrong, but I see in your device inventory that you've got 8 hard drives, but only 7 of them are being imported.


Your 1TB WD (sdb) isn't being imported which I'm assuming is your cache drive.  In my syslog, I get this line when it's importing the cache drive:


emhttp: import 24 cache device: sdk


Like I said I could be wrong, especially since I'm not running 5.x anymore and maybe the lines don't show up in its syslog


I actually have 9 drives... 1 of which is being the cache drive. By imported, do you mean being mounted? If so I would think so because all my applications work correctly and I can physically go to the drive.

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Yeah well I was wrong about it not importing, but what I find really strange is why it's showing that it keeps reimporting the disks over and over and over again starting at 1:39:40 until you stopped the array (~50times).


Seems to me it should only do it once until you stop the array.  Did you try rebooting and selecting SAFE mode?

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Are you sure that your cache drive is set?


I could be wrong, but I see in your device inventory that you've got 8 hard drives, but only 7 of them are being imported.


Your 1TB WD (sdb) isn't being imported which I'm assuming is your cache drive.  In my syslog, I get this line when it's importing the cache drive:


emhttp: import 24 cache device: sdk


Like I said I could be wrong, especially since I'm not running 5.x anymore and maybe the lines don't show up in its syslog



EDIT:  Nevermind...  I just noticed it importing.  Looks like the logging differs from 5.x to 6


Yep, tried it in safe mode and still the same. I'm thinking my Unraid files might be corrupted or something. Think installing a fresh copy would help? I've been wanting a reason to install a fresh copy. lol

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Yep, tried it in safe mode and still the same. I'm thinking my Unraid files might be corrupted or something. Think installing a fresh copy would help? I've been wanting a reason to install a fresh copy. lol

Something's not right, but I would would more inclined to think a plugin is somehow interferring, and for whatever reason its still being executed with safe mode on.


After you redo your flash drive, I would test your transfer speeds before installing any plug ins, and then only install one plugin at a time and test after each one.

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Yep, tried it in safe mode and still the same. I'm thinking my Unraid files might be corrupted or something. Think installing a fresh copy would help? I've been wanting a reason to install a fresh copy. lol

Something's not right, but I would would more inclined to think a plugin is somehow interferring, and for whatever reason its still being executed with safe mode on.


After you redo your flash drive, I would test your transfer speeds before installing any plug ins, and then only install one plugin at a time and test after each one.


I did a fresh install. Now it's back up to normal.


Going to install the plugins now and see if that affects them.

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Post another syslog after you've copied a file slow...  Ideally one that doesn't have any plugins running


Ok, I don't know what just happened...but the speed is back to normal. Only thing I did this time was to use putty to telnet to the server and while I was view the log file, I copied some files. W......T......F????

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Have you run a SMART test on your cache drive? I wonder if the cache disk is failing. Also, are you running these speed tests while the mover is also running?


The cache drive is fine. I also tried writing to the files without the cache drive being mounted and it gave the same results. I played around with disk allocation methods and split levels and they all gave the same results.

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