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Upgrading from 5.0.6 to 6 beta 14


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I am new to this forum and to unRAID altogether.

I currently have 5.06 installed and would like to upgrade to 6b14. I read the instructions in the readme file but I have a question (obviously :-))

After i copy everything to the flash drive and copy back the old config file, reboot the system and start the array, won't it start formatting the array to the new XFS system and by doing so format all my data??


Thanks and sorry for the n00b question...

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I am new to this forum and to unRAID altogether.

I currently have 5.06 installed and would like to upgrade to 6b14. I read the instructions in the readme file but I have a question (obviously :-))

After i copy everything to the flash drive and copy back the old config file, reboot the system and start the array, won't it start formatting the array to the new XFS system and by doing so format all my data??


Thanks and sorry for the n00b question...

Assuming you meant "config folder", that folder has everything in it that it needs to recognize your existing disks as already part of the configuration.
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ok. Thanks!!

So data wise I am ok. what about the v5 plugins? i shound remove them before upgrading as I understand, am I right?

is there a recommended way of doing so, or just delete them from the flash drive?

Yes all v5 plugins are incompatible to v6.


Easiest way to upgrade is to first copy your flash drive contents to your PC/Mac.  Then proceed as though you were going to do a new install by formatting the flash drive, extracting the v6 release onto it and then running the make_bootable.bat file to make it bootable.  Copy from your backup the contents of the 'config' folder to the config folder on the flash EXCEPT for the plugins folder.  That should preserve your current configuration.  Then copy your unRAID .key file from the backup to the config folder on the flash.  You are now ready to boot into v6 (you should check your BIOS settings are still correct to boot from the flash drive).

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the .key file exists only if I have a registration key?

because so far I am running only 3 HDD's and no cache drive...

Then you probably do not want to upgrade to v6 unless you buy at least the Basic key.  As you will see from the link provided the free version is going to become limited in the amount of disk space you can use on each drive.

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Looks like neilman is doing what I am contemplating. If he continues this upgrade, is he not going to find his data disks are reduced to 250 GB each until he purchases a license? (The $29 license would be enough.) I am reading in that he has 2 data disks and a parity disk and is running in BASIC mode in 5.0.6. He will be going to TRIAL mode in 6 beta 14.


Based on this, it could get a bit more complicated, depending on the desired outcome. I think neilman is going to LOSE storage unless he purchases a key. (Maybe not LOSE - his additional files may be unavailable...but what would happen if he tried to write additional stuff on his data drives? Write would succeed but he would not be able to see/access it?)


When I do this, I also want to increase the size of the parity drive and use the old parity drive as a new data volume. I also expect to have to deal with the change to XFS or BTRFS from ReiserFS. (How do you check what file system you are using from 5.0.6?) Because of this I have put off doing anything since it almost seems more worthwhile to build a whole new server with larger, new drives and consolidate my data onto 1 disk - then stabilize the new array and pull the old drives from the old system and deploy them in the new one - letting them format in XFS or BTRFS.


I have not been able to determine if you want to use Docker on the new system, if the motherboard and CPU have to support VT-D or AMD-V or if this matters? I know it matters if you want to go the KVM or other VM routes...but not too sure about Docker. I would need to upgrade my CPU and Mobo to support Virtualization and at least my CPU for Docker. (I would think, since I have my system running on a single core Sempron 145 - so there is no CPU to share.)


Sorry to hijack with additional questions, but, while I want to do this, I don't want to screw it up. Neilman is already in the middle of his and is about to experience what I am considering. Knowing what comes next might be beneficial.

Many paths - one goal. ;D

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I think you are wise to go to a license before you do anything more. I also think I would do a smart report on all drives to check for issues and I would do a parity check to minimize surprises before data migration. There have been several folks I have observed that have discovered hardware issues while moving their data onto XFS volumes. I intend to go to 4TB drives and consolidate my data to one new disk in XFS (I don't have much data - not into torrenting, so this is a good option for me) - this way I will have my data on RFS and all the new drives will be XFS - I'll just move the drives, one at a time, to their respective shares. After I am certain that everything is solid - I will convert my old drives to XFS. I still need to upgrade my system - I've outgrown it. I just need to determine what my needs are using Docker, and let that guide me with my hardware selection for motherboard and CPU. I think a Plus license is enough for me - can't imagine needing 40 - 50 Tb now, though I did fancy it when 2TB drives were king.


And I also think that now, no matter which license you go to, you get cache. The only difference now is how many disks are supported. I wish that the disk count was only for data disks - and that cache and parity were excluded from the count - but that's Tom's decision.


Best of luck!

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I was about to do the same thing

I'm currently running a free version 5.06 with 0 addon/plugin.

I have 2 data + 1 parity.


Please correct me if I'm wrong

1) Get a new thumb drive

2) install ver 6 beta to it and make it bootable

3) copy over config folder from 5.06 to 6.x

4) boot it up, start the raid

5) register new the thumbdrive, add one more drive and happy!



** might face problem, ver 6 limit my disk to 250gb



Easiest way to upgrade is to first copy your flash drive contents to your PC/Mac.  Then proceed as though you were going to do a new install by formatting the flash drive, extracting the v6 release onto it and then running the make_bootable.bat file to make it bootable.  Copy from your backup the contents of the 'config' folder to the config folder on the flash EXCEPT for the plugins folder.  That should preserve your current configuration.  Then copy your unRAID .key file from the backup to the config folder on the flash.  You are now ready to boot into v6 (you should check your BIOS settings are still correct to boot from the flash drive).

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I was about to do the same thing

I'm currently running a free version 5.06 with 0 addon/plugin.

I have 2 data + 1 parity.

You probably want to read this announcement as upgrading to v6 may well require you to buy at least a Basic license if you want to keep access to all your data.  The 'size' limitation mentioned for the free (Trial) version does not apply to beta 14 but is expected to the next release which is any-day-now.

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