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Version 5 to 6 upgrade best practices?


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Hi all,


I tried to search to see if there were posts similar to this one, but didn't find anything.  Curious of anyone has some upgrade best practices they want to share.  It seems as though the changes between versions (heck, even early 6 betas and now) are so huge that I’m guessing there are probably some steps that aren't well documented.


Here's my plan for the upgrade.  Not sure if I'm over-thinking it or missing anything.

  • As prep, run reiserfsck on every one of my data drives just to be sure (no clue if this is even remotely necessary)
  • As more prep, preclear a new drive (will be used in transition of disks to XFS) but don’t yet add to array.
  • Copy contents of unRAID USB drive to computer as backup.
  • Using my 2nd unused unRAID Pro license/drive (instead of it just sitting there having never been used), format it, copy version 6b14b contents, run the make bootable script.
  • Selectively copy back the majority contents of my backed up config folder (there’s some stuff on it back in 2010).  Going to start with a vanilla go script as well.  (Since I’m also running under ESXi, going to create an “extra” folder and drop in Zeron’s openvmtools package.
  • Enter maintenance mode, shut down, swap out USB drives, reboot.
  • Assuming all boots up normally, run the new permissions script [is this even necessary from 5 to 6?  Guessing it can’t hurt]
  • Start re-enabling features/scripts (e.g., cache_dirs)
  • Try to set up some Dockers to replace the few plugins I use on unRAID 5
  • Migrate drives to XFS using the rsync to new drive method over and over

Any thoughts or comments?  Thanks in advance!

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You are probably planning to make the flash backup by shutting down and taking it to your PC to copy it. That will be fine.


If you ever want to copy it over the network instead, you should make the flash backup with the array stopped. unRAID keeps the run status along with the array configuration in config/super.dat and if you boot with a copy which had the array running, unRAID will assume an unclean shutdown and start a correcting parity check. (If you share the flash you can still access it over the network with the array stopped.)


Don't restore the extra, plugins, or config/plugins folder. Anything installing from those folders on 32bit v5 will not work on 64bit v6. Make sure to use 64bit for anything you put in those folders on v6.


New perms should not be needed.


Reiserfsck not needed either but if you want to just do a check that's fine. Won't really matter whether you do this before or after the upgrade since nothing on any of your disks will change during the upgrade.

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Awesome.  Thanks trurl.


Yes, probably should have mentioned the array will be stopped if I copy over network or whole server powered down if I pull the USB drive.  I'm going to have to shut down anyway when I install the new disk to preclear, so I was just going to pull the stick at that point to make the backup/grab the config folder.

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I have been putting together a list of items that I am going to follow when upgrading my Media server from 5.0.6 to Ver 6.  Several items that I have that you do not are the  following:



[*]Restore the 'config' directory from your back up of version 5 that you made earlier to the version 6 Flash Drive.



[*]Delete the 'plugins' and 'SimpleFeatures' folders if they exist.  Also probably the 'email' folder.


[*]Make sure that unRAID .key file is in the 'config' folder on the flash device (Version 6 requires that the .key file be in the Config folder!).


[*]In the GUI, setup the following:

    UPS Settings

    Notification Settings


Be sure that click on the Apply button on each page to start these services even if you did not change any settings!



[*]URL for Dynamix plugins for Version 6:




[*] Powerdown is not installed as part of the apcupsd plugin on V6.  If you want Powerdown, it needs to be installed as a separate plugin.


          Paste this line into the 'Install Plugin' line in the 'Plugins' webgui and click on install.  This will install the plugin.  Don't install the plugin manually.  Let the plugin manager handle it.






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Powerdown is not installed as part of the apcupsd plugin on V6.  If you want Powerdown, it needs to be installed as a separate plugin.

Thanks for this!  I thought powerdown was built into Dynamix as it is in version 5, so you just saved me from a potential disaster.

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