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diagnosing memory issues


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so it would seem that i have two faulty memory modules, though i am not sure which of the two are faulty, i dont want to upset my array again so if i power off and insert the two modules and run memtest will it tell me which of the dimms are faulty, they are corsair and have a lifetime warranty.

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For a second I thought this was a self help thread so I wouldn't forget my wife's birthday!


How do you know you have two bad modules? Did you run memtest? To isolate to a particular module, you may have to remove all but one module and run the test? Im not sure, as all my recent memtests have passed (at least as far as I remember :) ).

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To isolate to a particular module, you may have to remove all but one module and run the test.


Test one at a time (if possible) to isolate the bad module.


If all pass, then it could be a timing issue in the bios, so relaxing the timings via bios setting could help.

I used to have that problem with my ABIT AB9 PRO.

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For a second I thought this was a self help thread so I wouldn't forget my wife's birthday!


How do you know you have two bad modules? Did you run memtest? To isolate to a particular module, you may have to remove all but one module and run the test? Im not sure, as all my recent memtests have passed (at least as far as I remember :) ).


Because my server was constantly crashing, has been for nearly 2 months..out of the blue...i had four dimms but was only running it with two in there so i just decided to swap them over for sakes sake and it has been up for two days now without issue. so i want to see which of the dimms is faulty..ill send them both back as they are matched pair.

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To isolate to a particular module, you may have to remove all but one module and run the test.


Test one at a time (if possible) to isolate the bad module.


If all pass, then it could be a timing issue in the bios, so relaxing the timings via bios setting could help.

I used to have that problem with my ABIT AB9 PRO.


Memtest runs before unraid starts if selected ??..the bios is set to defaults, i never mess with the timings as its something im not to knowledgable about, it was working fine before as it was

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Ok. It's a given that once unpaid boots after mem test it will crash. Where will the output be stored of the test..If it's on screen I'm not going to see it.


The output isn't stored ... it's simply displayed on the screen.  UnRAID won't "boot after mem test" until you press ESCape to exit Memtest and reboot the system, so just be sure you look at the results before booting.


A few other thoughts ...


=>  You don't need to return 2 modules if only one is faulty.  Although you bought these as "matched pairs", that's just a marketing/packaging approach.  As long as modules have the same specifications there's no problem using them together.


=>  Your memory subsystem will be more reliable if you only install 2 modules when you're running unbuffered modules.    Sounds like you've already started doing this, so I'd leave it in that configuration.


=>  If you're currently running fine with the 2 modules you've got installed, then I'd run Memtest with both of them installed ... and let it run for ~ 24 hours to ensure enough cycles are run to thoroughly test it.    If it finds any errors; THEN you should run it with just one of the modules ... and if it's error free for 8-10 hours then switch to the other one.


=>  If you think the bad module is one of the 2 modules you aren't currently using, then I'd test them one-at-a-time for 8-10 hours.


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