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[Resolved] Can't see Tower in network places, Windows 7


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I can access the webgui, ping the server, going to start and \\tower or \\ip\folder will also bring it up, it just doesn't show up in my Network Places for some reason. It used to, but it stopped a while back. It's not really a huge deal, but it would be nice for it to show up there properly for ease of use.


The IP address for it is reserved through the router via mac address. I've tried Yes and No to Local Master. 2 Windows 7 machines exhibit the same behavior. Since everything else works I get the feeling it's something stupid I've overlooked but I don't know.



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Set Local Master Yes. Then shut down your other PCs so unRAID can take over Local Master. I had to do this last night when I was diagnosing another problem that made me reboot unRAID several times. At one point, I could only access it by IP so I shut down the PCs and started them back and then I could see unRAID by name.

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Set Local Master Yes. Then shut down your other PCs so unRAID can take over Local Master. I had to do this last night when I was diagnosing another problem that made me reboot unRAID several times. At one point, I could only access it by IP so I shut down the PCs and started them back and then I could see unRAID by name.


Awesome, it worked, thanks!

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