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Scrub results


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Had some odd behavior from my cache drive. Decided to run a scrub. I have a replacement ready to go, But Wanted to try the feature. Nothing to lose. It ran and I dont know how to read the results. I see error's but no signs that it corrected them. Am I reading this right?


scrub status for 4da3747b-5f41-4e86-9dcb-93fca6e6493c
scrub started at Fri May 29 10:10:28 2015 and finished after 932 seconds
total bytes scrubbed: 100.45GiB with 24 errors
error details: csum=24
corrected errors: 0, uncorrectable errors: 0, unverified errors: 0


Thank you in advance

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Its possible that the errors are just with the BTRFS and not with the drive. I dont have much confidence with that filesystem so none of my drives are BTRFS, not even my cache drive. Of course I'm not doing drive pooling either, so XFS is perfectly fine for my use.


Perhaps jonp or other staunch believers in BTRFS can advise what you should do (other than reformat it as a different filesystem).

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Its possible that the errors are just with the BTRFS and not with the drive. I dont have much confidence with that filesystem so none of my drives are BTRFS, not even my cache drive. Of course I'm not doing drive pooling either, so XFS is perfectly fine for my use.


Perhaps jonp or other staunch believers in BTRFS can advise what you should do (other than reformat it as a different filesystem).


Maybe, Ill keep the drive around until it dies if that is what this is leading up to. this is a test server to experiment on before going full production with it for its main purpose. I also made a thread in the v6 support forum as I accidentally posted here :-P

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Its possible that the errors are just with the BTRFS and not with the drive. I dont have much confidence with that filesystem so none of my drives are BTRFS, not even my cache drive. Of course I'm not doing drive pooling either, so XFS is perfectly fine for my use.


Perhaps jonp or other staunch believers in BTRFS can advise what you should do (other than reformat it as a different filesystem).


I think a number of us are waiting for some true experts to help the rest of us better understand these new tools, both the BTRFS scrubbing and xfs_repair.


As to BTRFS, I totally agree.  I know Tom and Jon are sold on it, and I was too when I first read about it, but the proof's in the pudding as they say, and so far it's not too appetizing.  We see too many corruption issues, and the BTRFS devs are still bug fixing, 2 or 3 in -rc3.  It's clearly not stable yet.  I really want to like it, but it needs more 'proofing'.

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As to BTRFS, I totally agree.  I know Tom and Jon are sold on it, and I was too when I first read about it, but the proof's in the pudding as they say, and so far it's not too appetizing.  We see too many corruption issues, and the BTRFS devs are still bug fixing, 2 or 3 in -rc3.  It's clearly not stable yet.  I really want to like it, but it needs more 'proofing'.


I agree, I was sold and then did some testing or rather hard drive menacing with it as my cache drive. I ended up corrupting 2 drives - 1 rieserfs and 1 btrfs. I was easily able to recover the rfs drive with the built in repair tools but the brtfs drive could not be repaired with the current tools. After reading similar post here on this forum and across the web I decided to switch all my drives to xfs.

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Had some odd behavior from my cache drive. Decided to run a scrub. I have a replacement ready to go, But Wanted to try the feature. Nothing to lose. It ran and I dont know how to read the results. I see error's but no signs that it corrected them. Am I reading this right?


scrub status for 4da3747b-5f41-4e86-9dcb-93fca6e6493c
scrub started at Fri May 29 10:10:28 2015 and finished after 932 seconds
total bytes scrubbed: 100.45GiB with 24 errors
error details: csum=24
corrected errors: 0, uncorrectable errors: 0, unverified errors: 0


Thank you in advance

Did you click "help" on the webgui? It will advise you on what to do.

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