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corruption? can I start over with my 2nd USB?


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I am seeing a few issues that are not seeming to be able to be solved by Jonp or others in the forums here and I am starting to wonder if some of them are stemming from upgrading from 6 b15 to 6 rc1, to 6 rc2 to 6 rc3.... so I am thinking of using my 2nd USB key to build a new clean key with 6 rc3 and see if the issues are resolved.


I hate this "fix" as it will possibly only need to be repeated again with the next RC or when the final release is out and this will involve re-joining a domain, possibly re-configuring permissions on said shares etc and I really would [refer to not have to do this multiple times.... but i can't keep loosing access to all shares on every reboot, especially when I am having to reboot the server to troubleshoot attempting to pass through a NIC.


If I build my 2nd USB as 6 RC3, how hard will it be to set the server back up? I know if I take a screenshot of the current drive set up etc that will make setting the drives back up fairly easy, but will that bring shares, permissions etc back in? Will my VM come back in, can I load my VM back in, or will I need to start back over on it also?



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You'd certainly be able to set up the new key, and do a "new config", reassign all of the disks to slots, and trust parity. That would bring the array online.


As far as Docker / VM configurations, I am not sure.

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I am very skeptical that this will address whatever your issues are.


The OS is unpacked completely fresh from bzroot into RAM each time you boot, and it all runs in RAM.


There is not much else about the actual OS that is really on your flash drive. Just some (text) config files that are settings from the webGUI, and whatever plugins you have added.


It is not like Windows or other disk-based operating systems where things keep getting installed, uninstalled, updated, etc. The only real OS changes are when bzroot is replaced when you upgrade to a new version.

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What issues in particular are you referring to?  I know you are having an issue passing the through a physical NIC to a VM, but what other issues are you experiencing?


The other big one that is really a deal breaker for me is the loosing access to my shares any time the unraid is rebooted....

detailed in this post http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40076.0 SMB joined to an AD domain. If the server is rebooted for any reason I have to disjoin from the domain, change SMB to no, reboot the server, change SMB back to AD, rejoin AD, reboot at least the AD server (or wait for  at least a half hour to an hour, I am assuming this is the AD refresh/replication rate) verify the permissions on the shares (they have been screwed up on more than one occasion), then reboot all clients, thankfully this is a home network but, we have 3 laptops, 2 tablets, 2 phones, 3 desktops, and 3 media players that all connect to various shared for various purposes so loosing access to shares and having to go through this (especially while trouble shooting GPU pass through and NIC pass through) has been VERY painfull!!!  After so many reboots the server decides to check the parity, and this makes video files stutter on the media players so in all actuality my unraid has been pretty much unusable since upgrading  2 or 3 weeks ago :( I LOVE unraid and really want it to work, I have purchased a Pro key, and purchased a 2nd key to help with the upgrade to new hardware, and yes I understand the current version is not a full release version yet...



Sorry I am just becoming frustrated and am just venting.


I sincerely appreciate all the help of all the forum members and Lime Tech employees and forum mods!!! I know this is a great product but it is just frustrating when it doesn't work the way it is supposed to for you...

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Never tried to use the AD feature so I don't have any advise about that. Do you really need it to work that way? Most people are just using SMB and it just works.


You say it started a parity check. You will get a parity check if you don't shutdown cleanly. You must stop the array before powering down or rebooting.

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I have  shut it down correctly every time, not sure why it kicked off a parity check....


I actually have ALWAYS had issues attempting to use AD... even back with version 4.x I was really hoping it would work with 6.0


With a domain set up (I am an IT Geek for my job) I would prefer to have the domain be in charge of permissions so that my kids/father in law don't have access to my tax returns etc.

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I have  shut it down correctly every time, not sure why it kicked off a parity check....


I actually have ALWAYS had issues attempting to use AD... even back with version 4.x I was really hoping it would work with 6.0


With a domain set up (I am an IT Geek for my job) I would prefer to have the domain be in charge of permissions so that my kids/father in law don't have access to my tax returns etc.

You can control access to each share in unRAID without AD. I have shares anyone can read/write (Public), shares anyone can read but only specified users can write (Secure), and shares only specified users can read and specified users can write (Private). In addition to that any share with any of these security types can be made hidden so they are not visible when browsing the network. I know AD gives finer control of all this but with a little planning when you configure your shares a lot of security is possible without AD.


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grrrr I was going to add a couple new cache drives (on a new SATA card) so I could run a couple more VMs, but now VMs isnt showing up on the menu.... so I cant verify if the 1 current VM is running, where the image is at etc to make sure it is copied off the cache before adding the new drives. so now to reboot and start the entire process over again :(

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grrrr I was going to add a couple new cache drives (on a new SATA card) so I could run a couple more VMs, but now VMs isnt showing up on the menu.... so I cant verify if the 1 current VM is running, where the image is at etc to make sure it is copied off the cache before adding the new drives. so now to reboot and start the entire process over again :(

Boot in SAFE mode
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