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Sever lost network connectivity


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So the syslog only seems to show since I powered the machine back up.  When I came and inspected the situation, the server was on and the NIC light looked fine, but I could not telnet or ping the server.  I now have a keyboard and monitor hooked up.  But the syslog does not seem helpful at this point


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I think the powerdown plugin will save a copy of the syslog to your flash before it shuts down / reboots.


This syslog shows IP Can you ping that?


Jun  4 20:16:10 Unraid logger: /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1:  /sbin/ifconfig br0 broadcast netmask

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I had the exact same issue as you are describing, no issue in logs but the server was unreachable from outside. Everything seemed to be working fine except for this network issue.


The solution in my case was to change the network in the xml file from br0 to virbr0. Loosely speaking, it seemed like the br0 network from the kvm was taking over the unraid network. If you create a temporary kvm, you can copy off this network portion into your current xml. Someone with better knowledge about this can chime in if necessary. Let me know if you want me to copy that portion of code here...


Edit: here is the code that replaced the br0 network in my old xml file that fixed the issue for me.


<source bridge='virbr0'/>

<target dev='vnet0'/>

<model type='virtio'/>

<alias name='net0'/>



I suppose technically I do.  I had virtualbox under unraid 5.  I converted the disk to RAW and am using it with KVM.  Disk only though


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thats interesting.  Well, I will certainly try that.  Server is unpingable again.  Is there any value in getting the log?  Can someone tell me how to copy it to my flash or something before I reboot?

See v6 help in my sig for instructions on capturing a syslog without network.
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