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Where do you store your documents and data?


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I use Windows default documents locations. I use Backblaze for real-time back up, and Acronis True Image for a weekly backup to the unRaid server.


I used to remap My Documents to file server (not unRaid back in those days) and that worked fine most of the time until I had a catastrophic failure that took server down couple days and I could not get at my work files for that time. I did have backups BUT of the server location using a tape drive on that PC.


Lesson learned... have multiple locations backing up AND your local copy. :)

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One of my domain controllers is a physical box that has a 4TB RAID10 array (on a Areca controller, not the Intel software RAID). I have a share on there and re-directed Documents, Desktop, Music, etc to that share.  It gets backed up nightly to my backup server and continuously to CrashPlan.  One of the reasons I did this was so I only had to install CrashPlan in one place and cover all our important data.



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